Monday, April 27, 2009

2nd mArylandy rAinbow~!!!!

cAught thiZ one whiLe in hAng-ni-mah'Z hondA!!

i wAz glAd i manAged to photO thiz rAinbow thAt suddenlY appeAred afteR a suddeN pouR of rAin! thAnkz to dR. kAng who noticed it! ;P

thinK i blogGed on rAinbowz before...and mY ideA iz to photO any rAinbow thAt i see in mY life - simplY bcuZ....the probAbility of seeinG any rAinbow iz juZ so loW, agRee? so we gottA treAsure everY sightinG!! ;)

anywAyz...thiZ morninG wAz weiRd - i suddenlY felT uncomfortAble durinG clAzz...felT liKe vomitinG and juZ wannA go hoMe and sleeP....actuAlly i drAgged myseLf out of bed to go clAzz...wAz lAte for about 15min...and theN i decided to persisT througH! luckilY i broughT my jAcket cuZ i felT chillY too! felT betteR witH tiMe and i struggLed througH the whoLe dAy! ^o^

wondeR whY...?

buT hopefullY it'Z not the swiNe fLu.....doubT so! mine'Z juZ due to the seAsonal chAnge bAh....i hAve beeN feelinG slightlY unwelL througH the pAst fortnighT recoverinG welL~

and.....pakpAk and makmAk kepT askinG me not to eAt porK due to the reporTed swiNe flu heRe in the stAtez.....yeA, buT accordinG to cAn't be spreAd viA food.... ;P

shAll sleeP moRe...


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