Thursday, April 16, 2009

openlY lovelY 16 apriL 2009~

todAy'z a speciAl and memorAble dAy....cuZ i'M blogginG afteR so mAny dAyz?

hmM....and i re-reAlized the true meAning of whAt makmAk alwAyz tellZ me....whicH iz "az a humAn, you hAve to be abLe to see thingZ openlY" - direcT trAnzlation of "做人要看得开"...whicH meAnz whAtever hAppenz or whAtever....i hAve to be abLe to accepT whAtever comeZ my wAy~ verY logicAl righT? ^.^

and also "拿得起就要放得下" = "whAtever you chooZe to picK hAve to be abLe to puT it dowN"...whicH meAnz whAtever you chooZe to be involVed muZ be abLe to leT go of it......eveN moRe logicAl righT?? ^o^

i mizZ pakpAk and makmAk.....sometimeZ me and pakpAk wouLd go to takA (my mum'Z workplAce) and wAit arouNd for makmAk to end her worK...theN we'lL grAb snAckz (sometimeZ ice-creAm on breAd!) and tAke the trAin bAck home togetheR.........i wondeR wheN i wilL be abLe to do thAt agAin....i plAn to returN shortlY durinG chineZe neW yeAr period nexT yeAr... ^O^

oh! and adAm dropPed by juZ now afteR so lonG...and sAmely i cooKed dinneR foR hiM...and az i knoW...i cooK witH intuitioN....glAd whAt i cooK iz usuAlly quiTe ok~ ;)

and i'M glAd he got a fulL scholArship for soMe grAduate muzic progrAm thingie whicH i hAve no ideA whAt thAt'z abouT....todAy i asKed hiM agAin, and he sAid he also doezn'T knoW?'Z beeN lonG siNce we'Ve meT and chAtted and i guezZ chAncez liKe thAt are juZ gettinG rArer...

friendshiP doeZ fAde....i suppoZe...? everythinG fAdez....everythinG endZ... >.<

noW i prAy hArd for my immunologY midterM and the pdM exAm to be fiNe.............. *prAy*

and i'M so so so glAd todAy hAng-ni-mAh boughT on my behAlf a huGe bottLe of V.S.O.P. foR me~!!!!!!!! got hiM froM hiM afteR lectuRe worrieZ, it'z purelY for fuN, and i won'T toxicAte myseLf endlezzlY....

not feelinG thAt welL recentlY so i won'T indulGe in mY lovelY V.S.O.P. anytiMe sooN....?

foR noW, i'M repeAting thiZ lovelY sonG:

"loVe" bY beyoNd...


p.S.1: i wAnna uploAd thiZ pictuRe of a dyinG cherrY blossoM petAl i tooK in wAshington dc...buT blogspoT seemZ to refuZe uploAding tonighT. nexT tiMe perhApz...

p.S.2: i reAlized i'M onlY 56.7kG noW!! wondeR adAm toLd me i looKed aloT skinnieR todAy......shAll try to balAnce bAck to my ideAl 58kG...


Blogger Tan Wee Kek (陈伟克) said...

Dont worry xHz, you are still 1.7 kg heavier than me ;) Good luck with your studies and life...

8:41 AM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

dhZ~!! nice to heAr froM you! i juZ rechecKed...mAybe yezterdAy i wAz not weAring contActz...noW i'M onlY 1.2kG heAvier thAn you. sooN i'lL be youR weighT! thAnkz...and good lucK to youR studieZ and life toO..... ^o^

8:57 AM  

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