Tuesday, April 21, 2009

re-reAlized thAt lookZ ain'T everythinG...

susAn boyLe - whAt more cAn i sAy? see and lizteN for yourseLf:

"i dreAmed a dreAm" bY susAn boyLe...

plZ be ashAmed of yourseLf if you thinK thAt a non-good-lookinG persoN cAnnot be a greAt singeR or performeR........on the 1sT looK, yeZ, susAn boyLe mAy not looK nice...buT she actuAlly lookZ ok....she'Z simplY humAn - juZ liKe you and me.

personAlly, i do cAre aloT for mY appeArance....az you cAn reAd hoW mucH i argH-ed abouT mY pimpleZ and acNe...and weighT..............

do theY all mAtter at alL???!!

noW i re-reAlized the meAning of "don'T judGe a booK bY it'Z coveR"....

lookZ ain'T everythinG - trulY!!!!

and accepT thiZ - lookZ are trAnzient....no one cAn mAintain a hot bodY foreveR....aGe iz gonnA tAke good lookZ awAy....foreveR!! thiZ iz the Buddhizm principLe of impermAnence...and thAt'z whY Buddhistz offeR flowerZ on altArz...cuZ wheN the petAlz witheR...it iz a clAssical remindeR thAt anythinG physicAlly presenT iz impermAnent - mAkez perfecT seNze.....

so, i shouLd loVe myseLf az hoW i am.....juZ the wAy i am - juZ me.....

i do loVe myseLf the wAy i aM (mY pimpleZ....whicH mAke me looK youthfuL siNce mozlY onlY youthZ hAve pimpleZ!)...physicAlly...mentAlly...the whoLe of me - mY seLf lovinG... <3

...you (whoeveR~) shouLd too!!! ;)

.....onlY wheN you loVe yourseLf...theN you hAve the cApacity to loVe anyoNe or anythinG elZe.... ;)

mAkez logicAl seNze? yeA!!!!

growinG strongeR mentAlly...

p.S.1: i'M typinG thiZ afteR drinkinG liKe...~1+cm off the bottLe of mY lovelY v.s.o.P....and i'M perfectlY oK~ juZ smilinG~ good, thiZ meAnz my alcohoL tolerAnce hAz improVed! ^O^

p.S.2: mY mobiLe phone'Z reAlly crAnking uP....it switcheZ itseLf off in 2 secondZ frequentlY wheN i picK uP a cAll.....sigH...buT it'Z oK....usuAlly no one cAllz anywAyz......juZ don'T mizunderstAnd thAt i purpoZely hAng uP if you eveR cAll my stAtez liNe ok....


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