Saturday, April 18, 2009

chAnging my miNd - thAnkz sisteR hAzel~!!

sisteR hAzel: "heY heY....did you eveR thinK theRe mighT be anotheR juZ feeL betteR, juZ feeL betteR...abouT todAy?"

me: buT theRe shouLd be...

sisteR hAzel: "if you'Ve hAd enougH of alL youR tryinG....juZ giVe uP the stAte of miNd you'Re in!"

me: yeA...argH~!!!

sisteR hAzel: "if you'Re tiRed of fightinG (lozinG) bAttlez witH youRself...juZ chAnge youR miNd~!!!!!"

me: yeA....juZ gottA chAnge my miNd~!!!!


the aboVe are excerptZ froM thiZ chirpY sonG bY sisteR hAzel, titLed "chAnge youR miNd":

"chAnge youR miNd" bY sisteR hAzel...

the 1sT tiMe i heArd thiZ sonG on rAdio wAz ~5 or ~6 yeArz ago...while i wAz on a buS bAck in singApore. i wAnted to knoW whAt sonG it wAz to the extenT i texT msGd the DJ for informAtion....and he repLied me!!! ^O^

and thinkinG bAck in the yeAr of 2000? liKe 9 yeArz bAck....durinG thiZ civicZ lessoN heLd by mY civicZ tutoR in junioR colleGe...i remembeR i rebutTed mY civicZ tutoR, Mr. Kwan Chong Sin, thAt one shouLd neveR chAnge one'Z miNd to suiT the environmenT buT shouLd chAnge the environmenT to suiT oneseLf.....he kepT tellinG me thAt the formeR iz the righT thinG to do.....

righT noW, i analyZe it logicAlly...and the righT answeR shouLd be - one shouLd be flexibLe in one'Z miNd.....wheN it'Z too logicAl to chAnge, theN persisT! if one cAn't chAnge anythinG at alL anywAyz...theN accepT life and chAnge one'Z miNd...chAnge one'Z perzpectiVe! it all dependZ on the situAtion one iz iN...

foR me, i'Ve reAlized thiZ principLe of life...and i'Ve leArnt to chAnge my miNd for the mucH mucH mucH betteR~~~

and bAck to soMe chineZe sAying..."做人何必太执着?" = "whY shouLd a humAn be so stubborN?" whicH mAkez so mucH seNze...juZ chAnge youR miNd and you'lL be lotZ closeR to an impossibLe feelinG cAlled..........totAlly hAppy~

oH...and yezterdAy befoRe adAm lefT foR pennsylvAnia we meT shortlY afteR my clAzz to sAy goodbYe, and he toLd me to focuZ on mY studieZ and speNd moRe tiMe on mY studieZ...hahAaa...yeA whiLe he enjoyZ hiZ wonderfuL muzicAl and dAting life in sunnY floridA....and of courZe i wilL~!!! i'M reAlly gonnA puT in moRe efforT in botH mY lAb and courZe worK~!!!! thAt'z whAt i'M heRe in the stATez foR~ i feeL so mucH moRe motivAted~!!!!! ^O^

i bliVe i'M slowlY leArning to be a betteR humAn beinG~ ^.^ ^o^ ^O^



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