whoAh! the whoLe weeK wAz flooded witH pAperz to reAd....noW the onlY alchyAble weekdAy eveningZ are mondAyz and fridAyz!!
2 pAperz to dizcuzZ eAch on moN, wedz, and fri...theN 1 pAper to dizcuzZ on thurZ - gottA speNd my nightZ plowinG througH the literAture....and alcohoL certAinly driftZ me awAy...so me sensibLe enougH to focuZ on reAding theM!
so i onlY drAnk the "2 poT heAd" on mondAy.....
theN yezterdAy (fridAy), besideZ the sierrA nevadA, i drAnk thiZ cuTe and sweeT drinK:
woodchucK iz so cuTe...
hahAaa...welL i wAnted to stoP afteR 1 beeR buT the woodchucK iz simplY so cuTe thAt i hAd to picK it uP....and it'Z quiTe nice! ;P
froM my bloG postZ, i thinK everyoNe thinkZ i drinK a helL lot?! welL of courZe compAred to mY kindA non-drinkinG pAzt, recentlY i did drinK aloT *compAratively*.....buT it'Z all for fuN and controlLed toO. so, whY worrY?? no quAlmz! i'M stilL sensibLe and thAnkz for all concernZ...
meAnwhile, i contiNue to enjoY my owN cookinG:
mifeN...witH fishbAllz (kindA hArd loh! i mizZ the singAporean dodO fishbAllz!)...and mAny other thingZ... usuAlly mifeN iz eAten on bdAyz....buT i cooK it wheneveR i wAnt to~
and i wondeR if sprinG iz alreAdy here? buT it'Z stilL chillY...like beloW 10 degZ moZ of the tiMe...and i sAw thiZ on my wAy bAck from lAb juZ noW:
flowerZ on a nAked tRee - a sigN of sprinG?? i beT the emptY bird'Z nezT on it wilL be occupied sooN!! argH.......verY recentlY, someoNe foRced me to do thingZ i do noT need to do...to meeT peopLe i do noT need to meeT...but of courZe i appreciAte her kiNd intentioN.....she actuAlly turNed to uze superioR powerZ to supprezZ the tinY littLe me...i hoPe no furtheR negAtivity wilL resulT froM thiZ evenT.....and i gottA be submissiVe bcuZ i hAve no choice - or do i...? yeZ i do bcuZ i alwAyz mAke my owN choiceZ!!
...juZ liKe hoW i continue to chooZe not to joiN in sociAl activitieZ mY clAzzmatez orgAnized...dezpiTe one of theM beinG wAtching my styLe of movie in 3D! sooN i wilL receiVe no invitAtionz! and hAng-ni-mah toLd me yezterdAy if i contiNue like thiZ, sooN everyoNe wilL disAppear from me - so??? i juZ wannA be aloNe and awAy froM the mAjority for noW....and meAnwhile sAve more cAsh!
mY underlyinG principLe iz - if i'M not gonnA enjoY it, theN whY joiN in? no mood lAh~ oK, i shAll sAy no in a nice wAy, az hAng-ni-mah adviZed.
hAng-ni-mah alSo sAid...no one wilL returN afteR disAppearing...welL....i cAn't controL anyone and i wilL not eveN trY to controL anyone... >.<
meAnwhile...i'M so glAd i wenT witH grAce for groceryinG @ h-mArt yezterdAy! yAy...i boughT tofu and more food sAuces to trY! kudoZ to grAce~! ^o^
life goeZ on...