Saturday, March 07, 2009

cellulAr pAthwayz~

the "crAp" cycLe~!!!!

finAlly settLed the pAthwayz & regulAtion (meAnz gottA knoW alL the crAp cycLe and everY metAbolizm pathwAy!!!!!!!) and celL structuRe & dynAmicz exAm~!!!!!! ^O^

woO......2 exAmz on consecutiVe dAyz....withouT a mood to studY...and tonneZ of thingZ to studY....duH......lAying on mY bed and juZ refuzinG to studY wAz a mizerAble feelinG.....adAm cAlled to asK me to studY and i manAged to tAme myseLf and got througH it juZ on tiMe!! ^o^

crAzy me didn'T speNd mucH reAl tiMe studyinG, buT luckilY i knoW enougH to hAndle alL the exAm questionZ juZ befoRe enterinG the exAm hAll....hahAaa.........and i actuAlly focuZed on the righT thingZ bAzed on intuitioN! ;P

interestinglY, i actuAlly enjoYed the 2 the extenT i eveN wenT up to the courZe co-ordinAtor and toLd the prof. thAt the exAm wAz a good one cuZ it mAde me thinK! it'Z not juZ deAd'Z moRe thAn thAt! the prof. wAz so hAppy....hahAaa...ain'T i funnilY crAzy?!

and seriouzlY, i thinK i gAined alot moRe understAnding on metAbolizm compAred a similAr suckY courZe i tooK in colleGe (nTu).....noW i appreciAte it'Z alL abouT regulAtion!! yAy!

winteR lAger and irisH Red~

righT afteR the celL exAm todAy, i rusHed bAck to lAb...diZcuzzed exptZ witH grAce...checKed my cellZ...hAd mY weeklY educAtional chAt witH beN, theN it'Z hAppy houR!! hahAaa....gobbLed 2 beerZ abiT too quicklY thAt i felT reAlly tipsY whiLe chAnging mediA for my cellZ thereafteR...hahAaa....buT i simplY love thiZ "higH" feelinG! ;P

glAd thAt beN recommeNded the irisH Red wheN he sAw me drinkinG the bitteR winteR lAger....irisH Red totAlly rockZ! it'Z so eAzy to drinK i feeL liKe i cAn drinK non-stoP....hahAaa...but of courZe i cAn't cuZ it'Z unsAfe and i gottA do cultuRe worK... ;P

and mY rezponZe to e-wen'Z "STOP DRINKING!!!!!!!!!!!" commAnd iz - drinkinG iz fuN and hAppy!!!! reAlly relAxes me and mAkez me smiLe...ofteN timeZ eveN wheN i don'T feeL liKe it. it'Z thAt crAzy higH feelinG thAt iz fuN, and no worrieZ cuZ i onlY drinK abiT to mAke myseLf smiLe and thAt'z it.

i wilL not riZe all the wAy to heAven! hahAaa..."go intO heAven" = totAlly knocKed ouT by alcohoL!

...and thiZ tiMe iz the onlY tiMe thAt afteR exAmz, we (me, kahsuaN and hAng-ni-mah) didn'T hAve any outinG. welL we did thinK of a plAn, buT it got mezZed uP. frAnkly, i don'T hAve mood to go anywheRe reAlly - i juZ wannA be witH i pAmpered myseLf witH mY proActiv mAsk~ ;)

cellulAr pAthwayly...,


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