Tuesday, March 03, 2009

mAking it througH the rAin witH mY crippLed heArt...

"bleedinG loVe" - leonA lewiZ

addicTed to thiZ sonG abouT hAlf a yeAr bAck.....and i suddenlY remembeRed the liNe "mY heArt'z crippLed bY the veiN i keeP on clozinG".....sucH a sAd buT brilliAnt phrAze.

and bAzed on hoW chAllenging mY mentAl and acAdemic loAd iz....mAriah relieveZ me witH heR muzicAl compoZing tAlent:

"througH the rAin" - mAriah...

tiMe to shoP for a "chArm" bracelet? hahAaa....aiyAa, i alreAdy hAve a beAded brAcelet froM mY makmAk...whicH i alwAyz weAr cuZ it contAinz wArm wisheS of sAfety, joY and loVe froM mY makmAk~ ^o^

mAking it througH the rAin witH mY crippLed heArt...


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