Sunday, March 01, 2009

mY kitcheN wArriorz~!!!

suddenlY hAd the urGe to cooK fRied rice....and mY felloW kitcheN wArriorz mAde it an enjoyAble evenT:

mY wonderfuL kitcheN wArriorz~!!!

usuAlly the rice i cooK iz too sofT....buT todAy seemZ perfecT~!! so hAppy~!!!!

mY wonderfuL fRied rice~!!!!!

ah.....mY wonderfuL honeY-cinnAmon coAted fRied rice...witH nice meAtbAllz + cherrY tomAtoez + eggZ + mushroomZ + fresH letTuce + bAby cArrotz....heAlthily bleNded in sesAme oiL and oliVe oiL......... ^O^

mY horribLe peruviaN houzemAte (he'Z ruininG mY impressioN of Peru - seriouzlY!) cAme to preteNd to obserVe me cooK...liKe hintinG me to giVe hiM soMe?! fAt hoPe!!! not wheN i'M in sucH horribLe mood...i wilL NEVER cooK for hiM...he betteR not mezZ witH my wArriorz...or dirtY the plAce...if noT i wilL scoLd hiM agAin!! LOL...

...wAz actuAlly smilinG and singinG wheN on toP of retAil therApy, noW i fouNd cookinG therApy~!! ;P

kudoZ to mY kitcheN wArriorz~!!


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