Tuesday, March 31, 2009

flowerZ befoRe leAvez...

i thinK it'Z officiAlly sprinG - mY 1sT sprinG!!!

seeinG alL the flowerZ on the tReez arouNd me...i suddenlY wondeRed whY didn'T leAvez coMe out firsT?! somehoW i alwAyz thoughT it'Z liKe thAt...

tiL i asKed 2 of mY americAn clAzzmatez - luckY and jAckie - yezterdAy afteR clAzz whiLe on wAy to lAb.......

luckY wenT 1sT: the flowerZ hAve to blooM 1sT, theN pollinAtion...theN fruitZ, theN the leAvez wilL coMe out..the leAvez need the flowerZ to go 1sT......(thinK she sAid somethinG liKe thAt)

jAckie continued: it'Z the nAtural ordeR!! flowerZ appeAr firsT, and theN leAvez.

hmM, anAlyzing whAt theY sAid...it'Z kindA a conclusioN thAt a cAtholic wouldn'T questioN mucH and wilL juZ accepT anythinG thAt iz "nAtural". in thiZ cAze, jAckie'z rAized az a cAtholic.

luckY, on the otheR hAnd, iz a hindI....buT i thinK heR instinctZ iz to 1sT trY to explAin thingZ with loGic....

not thAt i sAy cAtholicz do not hAve scieNtific thinkinG @ alL....juZ thAt theY are rAized to accepT thingZ az theY are - eveN withouT thinkinG of hoW to explAin it. righT? righT! ^o^

yeA, noW it'Z alL juZ flowerZ on treeZ:

alL pinkisH!!

alL pAle yellowisH...alonG the mAin hopkinZ hozpitAl woLfe entrAnce...

eveN reddisH oneZ arouNd chArlez villAge....tooK thiZ todAy whiLe wAiting for shuttLe...

stilL wonderinG whY flowerZ befoRe leAvez...?


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