Sunday, March 15, 2009

negAtivity amongzT pozitivitY.

mY appLe honeY chickeN currY....

did quiTe aloT todAy:
- lAundry
- webchAt witH creAmy
- webchAt witH fAmily
- mAde simpLe sAndwich luncH
- lAbbed the whoLe afternooN
- cooKed nice dinneR buT losT mY appetiTe
- adAm cAlled and we chAtted quiTe lonG...
- fulL proActiv treAtment

creAmy --> i'M glAd to reAlize actuAlly creAmy wAnted to chAt witH me for soMe time...cuZ she'Z worried abouT me...issueZ liKe me turninG into an alcohoLic? coMe oN - i'lL be fiNe~ and heyZ creAmy! you actuAlly reAd my bloG...perK uP on youR joB and enjoY drivinG!!! driVe me arouNd wheN i visiT hoMe ok!! so wilL you reAlly visiT new yorK for fuN? gosH i mizZ kboxinG witH you!! shouLd i posT myseLf singinG on youtuBe? hihI to jollymAh! oK noW creAmy'z gonnA biG queztioN mArk me...;P

losT of appetiTe --> i wAz fAmished whiLe lAbbing...and afteR i finAlly cooKed my dinneR, i juZ couldn'T eAt mucH. afteR a feW biteZ i juZ fridGed it.

and i turNed dowN everY fuN thinGie througH sprinG breAk:
- adAm'z aiR tickeT to floridA...
- soMe roAdtrip to atlAntic citY?
- soMe ski-inG thinGie
- soMe dinneR @ dinG hoW
- soMe moVie nighT
- an imprompTu nighT desserT outinG
- grocerY shoppinG (whicH i hAve thingZ to buY buT i hAve no mood to shoP so i lAbbed insteAd)
- everythinG!!!

todAy'z the lAzt dAy of sprinG breAk, and i spenT the whoLe weeK witH myseLf, cuZ i simplY wannA be witH myseLf in my worLd.....totAlly immersinG myseLf in the enjoyAble lAbwork...and i trulY hoPe to get genuiNe pozitiVe cloneZ...... *prAy*

and of courZe i drowNed myseLf in alcohoL too - simplY lAb and theN drinK and theN sleeP~ alcohoL poizoninG? welL i guezZ i'M fAr froM thAt~

noW i gottA focuZ on my upcominG courZez - whicH iz agAin soMe horrific scheduLe.......buT it'Z gonnA be homelY pAthological coreZ. ^o^

pozitivelY negAtively venomiZed...


Blogger Tan Wee Kek (陈伟克) said...

Extended excessive consumption of alcohol is not good for your health. This world is beautiful, stay clear awake and enjoy it ^_^ Stay happy and healthy ok?

12:38 PM  
Blogger illZ wonG said...

thAnkz dhZ~ i knoW...i wilL not alloW the alcohoL to poizoN me that mucH. thiZ worLd iz cleArly not alL beautifuL - a fAct of life. me fiNe lAh, you stAy hAppy and heAlthy too...eAt moRe ok. ;)

3:47 PM  

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