"anAezthesized" (麻醉) bY fAye wonG...
perfectioN...whAt perfectioN?
if you don'T dAre to pursue...theN hoW wouLd i pursue?
i wannA do whAtever i wAnt...
if you do noT objecT...theN who wouLd dAre to objecT?
it doezn'T mAtter...
it doezn'T mAtter...
plZ anAezthesize my consciouznezZ...
it doezn'T mAtter...
it doezn'T mAtter...
plZ anAezthesize all mY sensAtionz...
embrAcing sorrowfuL ecstAticizm...
if you don'T feeL guiltY...theN i wilL not regreT it...
if mY glorY iz annihilAted...
theN juZ let me sleeP in peAce...
juZ let me sleeP in peAce...
it doezn'T mAtter...
it doezn'T mAtter...
plZ anAezthesize my consciouznezZ...
it doezn'T mAtter...
it doezn'T mAtter...
plZ anAezthesize all mY sensAtionz...
anywAyz both of uz wilL reAch the sAme end poinT thougH we trAvel on differenT routeZ..
if everythinG becomeZ plAin and borinG...
i won'T miNd abAndoning ouR triP hAlfway...
it doezn'T mAtter...
it doezn'T mAtter...
plZ anAezthesize my consciouznezZ...
it doezn'T mAtter...
it doezn'T mAtter...
plZ anAezthesize all mY sensAtionz...
...laa daa daA daa...
...laa daA daa daa...
...laa daa daa daA...
laa daa daA daa daa daaAaaaa...
my melAncholy - i wondeR whAt'z youR origiN?
i wilL not succumB to you...hoW wouLd i succumB to you?
gettinG drunK...i wannA get drunK...
eveN if it'Z juZ a glAzz of puRe wAter...