Tuesday, February 24, 2009

wAlking out of lectuRe + red wiNe...

the bAldwin piAno in the studenT lounGe...

todAy, i wAlked out of lectuRe afteR sittinG in for lezZ thAn 3 minZ.....theN sAt beside the aboVe piAno for a lonG whiLe.....wishinG i couLd plAy some sorrowfuL songZ on it - buT i cAn't.

i didn'T feeL liKe sittinG in lectuRe for 3 hrZ, and i didn'T hAve the mood.......thAnk God - everythinG iz recoRded.

the red wiNe dR. li and me gulPed dowN afteR dinneR~!!

afteR i finisHed my lAb...i cAme hoMe to mAke my simpLe sAndwich dinneR....and afteR finishinG, dR. li returNed and quicklY inviTe me drinK red wiNe he broughT froM neW jerseY witH hiM.............

welL, thougH i promiZed my pArentz and adAm not to be a littLe alchY, buT i figuRed it'Z perfectlY sAfe to drinK @ hoMe, and it'Z onlY red wiNe....pluZ i'M kindA deprezZed......so i trulY need the alcohoL to kicK awAy my sorroW.

i eNded uP drinkinG mosT of it...we concluded i drAnk 60% of it...buT i thinK the wAy he pouRed it..........i drAnk 70% of the bottLe.

i'M stilL quiTe sAne, thAt'z whY i cAn stilL bloG thiZ entrY. buT scieNce allowZ me to knoW thAt alcohoL iz actuAlly a depressAnt - juZ googLe or wiKi for it if you'Re interezTed.

argH, whY am i aliVe?


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