Wednesday, February 25, 2009

fAt tueZ...asH wedZ

me leArnt 4 cAtholic termZ yezterdAy froM Jo (mY currenT lAbber):

fAt tueZ
asH wedZ
pAlm sundAy
eAzter sundAy

i thAnk Jo cuZ he pAtiently explAined theM to me....oveR beeR yeZterday @ beN'z office... ;P


todAy'z asH wedZ....and yezterdAy'z fAt tueZ. literAlly, it reAlly meAnt thAt a cAtholic hAz to eAt az mucH az he/she cAn to becoMe fAt........and theN stArve him/herseLf todAy (onlY 1 fulL meAl alloWed, and mAybe 2 smAll snAckz).....and @ the sAme tiMe, alloW a priesT to smeAr soMe asH on hiZ/heR fAce (foreheAd i suppoZe).

i fiNd it intereztinG to knoW eveN thougH i totAlly dizagRee witH the illoGicity of cAtholicizm.

the eveN more intereztinG thinG iz......pAlm sundAy iz liKe ~30 dAyz afteR asH wedZ and one weeK befoRe eAzter sundAy.......on pAlm sundAy, the churcH-goerZ wilL receiVe soMe pAlm leAvez (froM malAysia?!)....and theN at the eNd of the dAy the leAvez wilL be burnT, and the asHes kepT for the asH wedZ nexT yeAr!

thuZ, the asheS cAtholicz hAve on theiR fAcez todAy iz ~1 yeAr old - froM lAzt yeAr~!!!!

and whY??? of courZe alL theZe hAve to do witH Jesus righT? some storY....liKe wheN He arriVed? peopLe plAnted pAlm treeZ?

gosH....thiZ iz on pAr witH soMe ridiculouZ asiAn superstitiouZ behAviourz...

the onlY thinG i agRee with iz the concepT thAt asH iz to remiNd hiM/heR thAt in the eNd...he/she wilL returN to the grouNd az asH.... ; )

and of courZe....not alL cAtholicz are thAt obedienT...God shouLd do somethinG and mAke alL hiz believerZ behAve the wAy he wAntz - mAybe implAnt a progrAm in theiR brAinz, eh....don'T need to implAnt...juZ controL theM....controL everyoNe.........coMe controL me~!! righT? *woW, thiZ soundZ offensiVe...aiyAa.........*

nexT, i alSo leArnt thAt Mary and Jesus didn'T reAlly die.....theY "roze" to the heAven............................hmM, woW.

welL, thinK abouT yourseLf beinG strAnded in the vAcuum uP in outeR spAce - bAsic physicZ and pressuRe knowledGe wilL leAd you to bloodY dizgustinG imAgez...

me amAzed bY whAt humAnz cAn foRce theiR mindZ to accepT az hArd core fActz...

illogicAlity...cAn onlY be blindlY bliVed.


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