Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"aM i righT, or aM i" wonG..?

me drAnk the sierrA juZ noW~!!!! alchY instincT + lucK led me to anotheR bottLe of nice nice sierrA nevadA todAy~!!! ^o^

beN (mY currenT professoR) requezTed to hAve our littLe weeklY chAt sessioN todAy insteAd of fridAy siNce our fridAy wilL be'Z theZe littLe sessionZ thAt alloW me to cAtch uP or knoW hiM betteR (and vice-versA) - thiZ iz a uniQue supervisor'Z approAch for me to experieNce az a grAduate studenT~

me currentlY in a creAtive beerY lAb~ and beN suggezTed whY not chAt oveR beeR? he hAd brooklyN whiLe i choZe sierrA (hiZ recommendAtion~!)~

and ben'Z trulY funnilY creAtive...cuZ he postZ everY lAbber on hiZ lAb websiTe...and inculcAte funnY (or sometimeZ lAme) quoteZ into ouR nAmez...hahAaa...

siNce my surnAme iz wonG, so he creAted my nAme to be - "aM i righT, or aM i" wonG..? kudoZ to beN~!!

i'M trulY glAd to be witH hiM for my 2nd lAb rotAtion...pluZ mY grAciouz mentoR - grAce - iz a nice girL too! if we stAyed too lAte...she'lL giVe me a ride hoMe siNce she knowZ my houZe iz not exActly in a sAfe areA...she'Z reAlly smArt and thinkZ verY fAzt~!! a greAt guide~!! kudoZ to grAce~!

hAppily beinG a rotoN~ ^o^

p.S.: i don'T thinK anY currenT lAbber knowZ abouT mY bloG...hahAaa.....aiyAaa, thinK onlY a coupLe of humAnz reAd theZe anywAyz~


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