Saturday, February 07, 2009

littLe alchY~

seArched for "ruM with coKe" on googLe imAge... ;P

2 ruM witH "dieT cocK" + 1 whiTe wiNe + 1 bud liTe + 1 moRe ruM witH "dieT cocK".......5 drinkZ in a roW, and thAT mAde me sooooO tipzY....hahAaaa...

wAz welcominG recruitZ for the pAthobio progrAm for the pAst 2 dAyz...and hAd fAntastic dinneR witH drinkZ too!!

and yeZterday....due to the luRe of an opeN bAr, me kepT orderinG alcohoLic drinkZ.......gosH. the ruM wAz liKe 40% of the glAzz - whAt a generouZ bArtender! i feeL guiltY cuZ me and tizzY kindA got the drinkZ togetheR hahAaa...buT i ended uP drinkinG more thAN her...and she goT tipzY too... ;P

adAm juZ cAlled to checK in......i apologiZed to hiM abt the tipsinezZ and he cAlled me a littLe alchY~ welL i feeL so guiltY cuZ i kneW he wouLd scoLd me agAin if he'Z stilL livinG heRe in chApel...juZ liKe the pAst. welL, he reprimAndz me cuZ he emphAsized on sAfety.....yupZ, i shAll prevenT myseLf froM gettinG into troubLe. i promiZed hiM not to overdrinK agAin, or mAybe i shAll not drinK anymoRe. ; )

okAi - no more drinkinG so mucH......i hAd to drAg myseLf up the stAirz to my rooM...duH......and i'M trulY glAd i hAve greAt pAthobio mafiA to keeP me sAfe whiLe i'M tipzY - especiAlly hAng-ni-mah....and thAnkz jAckie and luckY for snAtching awAy my 5tH drinK froM me! ;)

buT i wAz glAd thAt dezpiTe sleepinG @ 2aM, i stilL manAged to wAke @ 730aM to go hArvezt viruS pArticlez in the lAb witH grAce (mY currenT mentoR!)~ hahAaa...

aH........i'm tmtH - too mucH to hAndle~!



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