Saturday, February 21, 2009

trAnzlating fAye wonG...

a voice cAught my attentioN siNce i wAz 12....and i simplY loVe her voice so mucH.

she iz fAye wonG...

and heRe i trAnzlate 2 of heR very clAssic loVe songZ.....and the 3rd sonG'z an intereztinG one thAt i cAn keeP loopinG...

1. 我也不想這樣 = unwishinG for thiZ
2. 懷念 = missinG you
3. 催眠 = hypnosiS

the lyricizT iz simplY amAzing. i thinK all of theM were penNed bY liN xI (林夕) - kudoZ!!

我也不想這樣 = unwishinG for thiZ

suddenlY, withouT any reAzon...
i won'T be sAtizfied witH anY surmounT of loVe...
thinkinG of hoW you looK....untiL youR imAge becomeZ bluR...
unconsciouzlY i aM poisoNed by you...

suddenlY, i yeArn for protectioN...
whAt if the worLd disAppearz in an instAnt?
whAt if you bAck out...?
i'M onlY wonderinG whAt if...

it'Z not thAt i don'T understAnd...
i juZ wannA visuAlize more cleArly...
buT thoughtZ of you becAme blurrY insteAd...

the moRe i cAre for a particulAr persoN..
the moRe tendeR i cArezz thAt oNe persoN...
buT i cAn't eveN retAin a singLe kizZ...

unwishinG for thiZ...
anyAyz everyone'Z gonnA be aloNe in the eNd...
youR hAppinezz equAtez to my sorroW...
wilL it helP if i depArt froM you?

unwishinG for thiZ...
anywAyz everY relAtionship equAtez to lonelinezZ...
reAlizing thAt love'Z becominG a burdeN...
it'Z all mY fAult cuZ i yeArn too mucH for youR protectioN...

懷念 = missinG you

encloZing myseLf in a fulL rooM of insufficienT oxygeN...
tippinG the cigArette...
recAlling youR breAth...

scourinG in mY miNd...for ouR incompleTe conflictZ...
(scAttering all oveR my flooR......the intermittenT riddleZ...)
mumblinG to the aiR...mY rebuttAlz to youR doubtZ towArdz me...

rejectinG everY genuiNe reunioN witH you...
lockinG myseLf in mY worLd...anticipAting newZ abouT you..

seLf-smilinG oveR...the atrrActivenezz of mY rejectionZ..
(flippinG and turninG arouNd...enjoyinG the sweetnezZ of youR doubtZ...)
leAving no trAcez of me...enjoyinG mY diztAnce froM you...
(purpozelY beinG secretiVe...prolonginG youR curiositY...)

mAybe i liKe to mizZ you...
moRe thAn seeinG you in persoN...
mAybe i reAlly liKe to imAgine you..
moRe thAn possessinG you...
(cAn't stAnd it anymore...mAybe we'lL trulY meeT uP!)

催眠 = hypnosiS

the tAzte of mY 1sT piece of cAke...
(the 1sT tiMe i kizZ someoNe else'Z lipZ...)
the consoLe giveN bY mY 1sT toY...
(the 1sT tiMe i felL ilL and need to consuMe medicAtion...)

the suN rizeZ...
the suN setZ...
the ice-creAm dropZ a teAr...

the tAzte of mY 2nd piece of cAke...
(the 2nd tiMe i kizZ someoNe else'Z lipZ...)
the consoLe giveN bY mY 2nd toY...
(the 2nd tiMe i felL ilL and need to consuMe medicAtion...)

the stronG wiNd blowZ...
the stronG wiNd blowZ...
the popcorN iz simplY beAutiful...

froM the beginninG to the eNd...
who did i forgeT..?
who did i recAll..?

froM the beginninG to the eNd...
i gottA counT oNce agAin...
i gottA counT oNce agAin...
did i wAzte awAy anythinG?

suddenlY the skY lightZ uP!
suddenlY the skY turnZ dArk!
plentY sucH queeR phenomenonZ..

depArting and flyinG higH awAy...
foR one-two-thRee yeArz...
foR fouR-fiVe-siX yeArz...
foR thousAndz of yeArz...

froM the beginninG to the eNd...
who did i forgeT..?
who did i recAll..?

froM the beginninG to the eNd...
i gottA counT oNce agAin...
i gottA counT oNce agAin...
did i wAzte awAy anythinG?

unwishinglY missinGlY hypnotiZed...


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