Monday, February 23, 2009

cryinG in my dreAm...

googLed "crying dreAm" and fouNd thiZ imAge...

do you bliVe in youR dreAmz..?

do you bliVe in youR sAd dreAmz..?

righT now, i do noT wisH to bliVe in my sAd dreAm:

i wAz flAshed bAck to my livinG rooM in singApore....chAtting witH my brotheR tellinG hiM thAt i finAlly returNed hoMe for my holidAy froM the stAtez...

theN he suddenlY toLd me abouT a verY sAd newZ abouT one of mY auntZ (mAternal) to me...and theN i asKed hiM firmlY whY telL me onlY noW?! i forgoT hiZ answeR....buT i remembeRed hoW immediAtely i wAz teAring and sobbinG and juZ..........welL, the sAdnezz wAz overwhelminG...


i hAve alwAyz felT guiltY abouT unablinG to communicAte witH my mAternal relAtivez siNce i wAz depriVed unknowinglY and unwillinglY from leArning teocheW (mY mAternal fAmily'z diAlect) wheN i wAz verY younG......sigH, thAt'z one of my life regretZ.

and the mAternal aunT in my dreAm iz a very nice aunT....she wouLd cooK my fAvourite food for me when i visiT i'M so fAr from heR.....

the scAry pArt iz....i reAlized she'Z sufferinG from pericArditiZ righT noW....cuZ my pArentz told me oveR webcAm yezterdAy! theY were surpriZed i suddenlY asKed abouT heR.......

doeZ my dreAm signAl anythinG in reAlity? i hoPe not.... *keepinG fingerZ crozZed*

more sAd newZ froM my pArentz about my betteR relAtivez are all 3 of mY betteR relAtivez are verY ilL now.....queueinG for surgerieZ and iz the aboVe-mentioned aunT, the otheR 2 are my pAternal aunT and uncLe....botH strucK bY cAncer....

gosH, i prAy for theiR physicAl and finAncial strAinz....


i consideR myseLf unluckY cuZ not alL my relAtivez are good peopLe, and i'M glAd to hAve severAl good relAtivez......buT...all in alL:

whY iz life liKe thAt?

liKe in a dramA shoW - the kiNd chAracterz alwAyz get bullied and suffeR the mosT..........

noW i hoPe it'Z trulY liKe a dramA shoW - where eventuAlly...the kiNd chAracterz all wilL hAve hAppy endingZ....

cryinG in my dreAm... ;(


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