i wAz so tiRed afteR the blAck fridAy shoppinG....reAched hoMe @ 6+AM, and slepT tiL 2PM...hahAaa....
anywAyz, i wAz wokeN @ 10+AM bY adAm......and in mY bluR reveRie he tRied to telL me somethinG befoRe he heAded off to peAbody....and suddenlY a loud "whAm!!!" woKe me.....whAt wAz thAt?
mY rooM iZ quiTe smAll, and there'Z thiZ nArrow aisLe betweeN the righT edGe of mY bed and a seLf-assembLe rAck i lAy thingZ on...thAt'z wheRe anyoNe wilL hAng ard durinG a visiT...
and thiZ tiMe somehoW adAm bAcked off abiT and the whoLe rAck dizassembLed:
huGe mezZ righT? hahAaa...i bliVe i wilL scoLd and throW a tAntrum if i wAz youngeR, bcuZ someoNe mezZed uP my thingZ! howeveR, to mY surpriZe, i wAz not feelinG angrY @ alL~! i cAn cleArly anAlyze thAt it wAz unintentionAl of him, and it'Z juZ an incidenT. the rectificAtion iz simplY soMe reorgAnising......:
nice and neAt agAin~!!
good, i thinK i cAn hAndle my tempeR and not-beinG-unreAsonable-abilitY mucH betteR now. oR.........mAybe it dependZ on who iz the persoN who mezZed it uP....hahAaa....if it'Z a wonderfuL frieNd liKe adAm theN it'Z fiNe... ;) otherwiZe....i don'T knoW. >.<
for a momenT i thoughT i couLd be mAturing or growinG uP bAzed on hoW i hAndle thingZ....i blive i stilL hAve a lonG wAy to go...and az adAm sAyz, "you reAlly need to groW uP.."...welL, i need to be moRe mindfuL of whAtever... ^o^
it'Z okAi~!!!