Saturday, November 15, 2008

posT exAm fuN~!!!!

oK, dezpiTe the mbG exAm beinG shebileY horrific, we juZ decided to puT it behiNd, cloZe the booK, and moVe on to hAve soMe fuN~!!

rusHed off to the brewerY touR....@ Clippers City...of courZe for some free-floW beeR:

mY coRe pAthobio mAfiaz~!!!! it'Z the funnezT wheN the 4 of uz hAng out togetheR!! froM lefT... kihyucK, renatA, and kahsuaN~ me not in photO cuZ me tAking it! i cAll thiZ photo....2 pizZed fAces + 1 smileY fAce~

thereafteR, we wenT to thiZ bizzArre dineRz cAlled pApermoon:


there wAz an elephAnt on the entrAnce...

erM....thiZ iz on the ceilinG lookinG dowN on you..

weiRd mannequiN sittinG above the bAthroom...

voodoo on the ceilinG fAn..

moRe queeR mAnnequinz...

weiRded ouT~!


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