Sunday, November 16, 2008

muTed lovelY fAmily webcAm sessioN~!!!

i allocAted my sundAy morningZ *theiR correspondinG sundAy nighT* to skyPe witH my fAmily....and the one we juZ hAd iz so interestinG!

my webcAm and microphoNe workZ fine...buT on theiR side, there'Z videO but withouT souNd.....hahAaa....we checKed througH routiNe mute/unmuTe buttonZ but it'Z all oK...*weiRded*

mY fAmily~!!!!

buT the situAtion mAde thingZ more interestinG~!

theY were liKe writinG dowN messAgez and showinG me on webcAm whiLe i respoNded...hahAa....

buT the mosT cruciAl oneZ are the encourAging onez froM makmAk (my muM)...cuZ i toLd theM how horrific mbG exAm wAz, and i wAz so confuZed over geneticZ....

the otheR dAy i slumPed into adAm'z bed to chAt, and theN complAin about hoW fruztrAted i feeL the nighT befoRe exAm whiLe stAring @ hiZ ceilinG...he wAz buzY witH hiz schoolworK theN too....and he suddenlY asKed if i mizZ my pArentz, and of courZe i do.....

anywAyz i toLd theM thAt i felT so indezcribAble...theN the followinG messAgez mAde me hAppier...:

encourAgement...froM makmAk...

more encourAgement...froM makmAk...

feelinG hAppier and loVed~!

P.S.1: i stilL trulY thAnk my thoughtfuL lAbberz for givinG me 2 identicAl webcAmz az my fArewell giftZ...they trulY come to good uze~!!!!

P.S.2: i reAlly mizZ the hokkieN mee stiR fRied by thiZ old lAdy @ the bedoK interchAnge hAwker centRe....oh mY God...and nanA currY..........


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