Saturday, November 29, 2008

hArvestinG on thAnkzgiving~!!!

thAnkzgiving iz a nortH americAn in u.s.A., it'z on the 4tH thurzdAy of novembeR - 2 dAyz agO~!!

i thoughT it'Z a religiouZ holidAy (chriztiAnity moZ probAbly?)....buT i checKed and asKed'Z relAted to the dizcoverY of the stAtez by the eArly europeAn settlerZ? theY receiVed food and shelteR ontheiR arrivAl dAy...and theY felT so thAnkful for the gifT....thuZ, theY mAde it a nAtional holidAy!! *hoPe whAt i tyPed iz righT hahAaa*

anywAyz, it'Z a trAdition to gAther with youR fAmily and feAzt on pieZ and shAre of pie cAme froM my lAndlord'z frieNd:

cherrY pIe~! ;P

and turkeY? the forM of turkeY frAnkz! heH.....

anywAyz, the moZ excitinG pArt iz not the holidAy itseLf...but the fridAy thAt comeZ righT afteR thAnkzgiving dAy - blAck fridAy!!! my lAndlord sAid it'z the biggesT sAle in the stAtez...and the shopZ are opeN siNce 12AM....and 12AM to 10AM are wheN the greAtezt deAlz are!!!!

kihyucK cAlled....and of courZe we wenT to arundeL millZ togetheR with hiZ girlfrieNd and kahsuaN az welL~!!! we shopPed froM 12+AM to 5+AM......hahAaa....we'Re shoppinG fAnaticz!!! ;P

thiZ iz mY thAnkzgiving blAck fridAy hArvest:

yAy~!!!!!!!!! ;P

so glAd i mAde it on tiMe froM peAbody to joiN theM in the shoppinG triP~! ;P and kihyucK spenT the mosT thiZ tiMe~! moRe shoppinG for soMe tiMe!! >.<

kudoZ to retAil therApy~!!!


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