repeAted thiz sonG in the tissue cultuRe rooM...and kY asKed me whY am i repeAting sucH a sad sad sAd sonG?
"wreckinG bAll" live by mileY cyruZ.
we clAwed we chAined our heArtz in vAin...
we jumPed.
never askinG whY.
we kizzed, i felL under youR spelL...
a loVe.
no one couLd denY.
don'T you eveR sAy
"i juz wAlked awAy...i wilL alwAyz wAnt you."
i cAn't live a lie...
runninG for my life.
i wilL alwAyz wAnt you.
i cAme in liKe a wreckinG bAll...
i neveR hit so hArd in loVe.
all i wAnted waz to breAk your wAllz...
all you eveR did wAz wrecK me.
i cAme in liKe a wreckinG bAll...
yeAh i juz clozed my eyez and swunG~
lefT me crAshing in a blAzing fAll...
alL you eveR did wAz wrecK me.
yeAh wrecK me.
i thinK the mAjority of the mediA iz slAshing mileY bcuz of the wreckinG bAll MV.
yez, it wAz outrAgeouz...the nuditY etc.
but seriouzlY, lizteN to the sonG, listeN to the emotionAl lyriczzZ...listeN to the emotionz in her voice.
it'z abouT the honesT sAdnezz and hAtred and shoutouT of lozinG a loveR.....for whAtever reAzonz......thAt waz a lopsided unworthY relAtionship thAt crAshed liKe a wreckinG bAll.
buT stilL...the loVe persistZ...
you neveR know who you wilL fAll in loVe witH...and you wilL neveR know who wilL fAll in loVe with you. no mAtter who witH who....juz go for it and hope for reciprocAlity, but neveR expecT reciprocAlity...bcuz loVe should hAve no expectAtionz.
buT, there iz alwAyz hoPe.
and...there'Z alwAyz an exceptioN in life......the outlieR...thAt you simplY knoW you hAve to trY your besT to not fAll in loVe witH.
simplY unsimplY bcuZ it'z loVe~