Sunday, September 22, 2013

alL i knoW iz i juz wannA knoW you betteR now~

hAd an unfortunAte stilL unexplAnable suddeN outbreAk of hivez 3 dAyz ago?

thiz iz the 1sT tiMe in my life to hAve hivezzZ....wheN i woke on sAt to a flourisH of hivezzZ...i droVe to the clinic immediAtely to see a doctoR. :(

it'z stilL persistinG now...and i stilL hAve no ideA whAt the cAuze iz...whAt the helL am i allergic to?!

whiLe drivinG to the Patient First...the rAdio plAyed thiz sonG:

"everythinG hAz chAnged" bY tAylor swifT ft. ed sheerAn.

alL i knoW thiz morninG wheN i woKe...
iz i knoW somethinG now, know somethinG now, i didn'T befoRe.


cuz all i knoW iz we sAid "hellO"...
and youR eyez looK liKe cominG hoMe.
alL i knoW iz a simpLe nAme...and...
everythinG hAz chAnged...

i juz wannA know you betteR...knoW you betteR...knoW you betteR now.
i juz wannA know you betteR...knoW you betteR...knoW you betteR now..
i juz wannA know you betteR...knoW you betteR...knoW you betteR now...
i juZ wannA know you...know you...knoW you...

remindzzZ me of how i toLd sfG...hoW mucH i knoW of a persoN dependz on hoW mucH he/she iz willinG to divulGe/shAre with me. cuz...i stilL felL like i don'T knoW sfG at alL. thougH he clAimz i knoW everythinG about him and thAt he'z an opeN booK...he reAlly iz an opeN booK of blAnk pAgez~

in my shorT life on eArth, i will neveR knoW soMe peopLe at alL...

and for thoze peopLe...i hoPe they do hAve at leAzt someone who theY feeL comfY lettinG theM knoW themselvezzZ az who theY simplY are.

alL i know...iz all i knoW~


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