iz enougH enougH?
thiz song iz trulY timelezz...witH meAningful lyriczzZ:
"the sigN" by Ace of Base.
i...i got a neW life.
you wouLd hArdly recogniZe me - i'M so glAd...
hoW couLd a persoN...liKe me cAre for you?
whY do i botheR?
wheN you'Re not the oNe for me...
iz enougH enougH?
undeR the pAle mooN...
for so mAny yeArz i'Ve wondeRed who you aRe...
hoW cAn a persoN liKe you brinG me joY?
undeR the pAle mooN...
wheRe i see aloT of stArzzZ...
iz enougH enougH?
i sAw the sigN...
and it opeNed up my miNd.
i sAw the sigN...
and it opeNed up my eyezzZ i sAw the sigN...
no one'z gonnA drAg you uP...
to get into the lighT where you belonG.
but wheRe do you belonG?
iz enougH enougH?
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