"undercurrentzzZ" - fAye.
eveN thougH you cAn't see the crAckz in the deeP bLue skY...
my miNd iz stilL shRouded by dArk cloudzzZ...
eveN thougH the diM lightinG in my houZe cAn't penetrAte my opAque bodY,
i cAn cleArly see the reflectioN of your heArt.
my bodY sinkzzZ deepeR az my smokeY breAth riseZ...
remindinG myseLf how mucH i uzed to yeArn beinG neAr you.
my fAte witH youR heArt, youR eyeZ, youR moutH, and youR eArz...
simplY slipPed awAy from me.
i feAr the repetitioN of my trAgedy.
in my shorT life...
the moRe beAutiful somethinG iz to me...
the moRe forbiddeN it wilL be for me...
the hiztorY iz repeAting itseLf...
in thiZ troubLed noizY chArm citY...
insensibLe undercurrentzzZ are floodinG my miNd.
actuAlly...my affectioN for you iz futiLe.
wilL i loze you if i hoLd you tightlY thiz tiMe?
i simplY silentlY awAit for you to telL me...
to not fAll in loVe witH you.
my premonitionzzZ for everythinG are alwAyz correcT.
i don'T wannA opeN my eyezzZ..
to see the arrivAl of thiz inevitAble fAte...
to oNce agAin see the dArk cloudzzZ swArm up my teAry skY...
aem yoonG.
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