plz be hAppier thAn me~
chAnced upoN thiz sonG by dAniel chAn...i alwAyz lizteNed to hiz "xiN you du zhonG"...but thiz one hAz so mucH more sacrificiAl meAning:
"比我幸福" bY dAniel chAn.
lookinG at the clocK on the boulevArd...
we'Re stilL shelterinG ourselvez from the wiNd in eAch otherz' armZ...
stilL adApting to our sileNce...
wonderinG how we understood eAch otheR withouT wordz?
hugginG you at thiz momenT...
i guezz thiz inferz ouR beginninG and our eNd.
there'Re mAny kindz of welL-wishingZ...
and my heArt achez in sileNce.
plz be hAppier thAn me.
to mAke it wortH it for me to sAdly quiT from your life.
hurT withouT any complAint...
our loVe doezn't need to be supplemenTed witH an apologY.
at leAzt i cAn alloW you to fulfilL your dreAm.
plz remembeR you muz be hAppier thAn me.
to mAke it wortH it for my self-inflicTed crueltY.
i silentlY countdowN...
untiL the eNd wheN i cAn see you cleArly agAin...
seeinG my blurrY reflectioN in your beAutiful eyezzZ...
slowlY beinG let go.
plz go afteR your hAppinezz withouT any concernz...
abouT me.
bi wo xinG fu,
"比我幸福" bY dAniel chAn.
lookinG at the clocK on the boulevArd...
we'Re stilL shelterinG ourselvez from the wiNd in eAch otherz' armZ...
stilL adApting to our sileNce...
wonderinG how we understood eAch otheR withouT wordz?
hugginG you at thiz momenT...
i guezz thiz inferz ouR beginninG and our eNd.
there'Re mAny kindz of welL-wishingZ...
and my heArt achez in sileNce.
plz be hAppier thAn me.
to mAke it wortH it for me to sAdly quiT from your life.
hurT withouT any complAint...
our loVe doezn't need to be supplemenTed witH an apologY.
at leAzt i cAn alloW you to fulfilL your dreAm.
plz remembeR you muz be hAppier thAn me.
to mAke it wortH it for my self-inflicTed crueltY.
i silentlY countdowN...
untiL the eNd wheN i cAn see you cleArly agAin...
seeinG my blurrY reflectioN in your beAutiful eyezzZ...
slowlY beinG let go.
plz go afteR your hAppinezz withouT any concernz...
abouT me.
bi wo xinG fu,
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