usuAlly, afteR my seAview ruN @ Fort McHenry...i would be lyinG down in the shAde of a tree...feelinG the grAzz and listeninG to the soundz of wAvez.
but i plAyed a sonG on my phoNe the otheR dAy insteAd...whiLe lookinG @ the cloudzzZ througH the cAnopy.
a sonG whicH emerGed froM deeP in my memorY vAult:
"officAlly missinG you" by tamiA.
welL i thoughT i couLd juz get oveR you bAby...
buT i see thAt'z somethinG i juz cAn't do.
froM the wAy you wouLd hoLd me,
to the sweeT thingz you toLd me...
i juz cAn't fiNd a wAy...
to leT go of you...
but i plAyed a sonG on my phoNe the otheR dAy insteAd...whiLe lookinG @ the cloudzzZ througH the cAnopy.
a sonG whicH emerGed froM deeP in my memorY vAult:
"officAlly missinG you" by tamiA.
welL i thoughT i couLd juz get oveR you bAby...
buT i see thAt'z somethinG i juz cAn't do.
froM the wAy you wouLd hoLd me,
to the sweeT thingz you toLd me...
i juz cAn't fiNd a wAy...
to leT go of you...
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