it'z now 2:53AM, on 27th June 2007, a Wednezday morning.
i'M stilL in the lAb office, tryinG to wrAp up my urecA reporT...gottA add in more detailz and thinK of more thingZ to add.....
kindA rested in my hoZtel for the pAst 2 dAyz....
buT urecA aside, now i'M reAlly scAred about my heAlth.....i wondeR whY my heArt hAz beeN hurtinG siNce the hurtZ to the extend wheN i hAd to stop wAlking and sit down in the lobbY for a while before continuing my journeY bAck to the lAb after dinneR juZ now....
noW it still hAz thiZ tiNge of pAin lingerinG.....and i feeL weird cArdiac contrActions, slightlY pAinful onez........the pAin'z still beArable for now....i'M quite sure it'z of cArdiac origin.
i wondeR if i couLd mAke it bAck sAfely to my far far awAy hozteL lAter...
am i dyinG?
i cAn't......
i won'T, i hAve too mAny thingz undoNe, esp tAking cAre of my pArentz.......*prAy*
thiZ kiNd of pAin hAz beeN with me for quite soMe time.....oK, for quite a lonG tiMe. i remeMber jokinG with thiZ guY cAlled WL bAck in my armY OCS OOC dAyz......thAt i am dyinG due to theze weird pAinz in the heArt.
througH the yeArz, sucH pAin iz infrequent......onlY occAssional....heNce i thinK it'z oK one.....i eveN reported sicK during my hAppy clerK dAyz bAck in sembawAng cAmp on thiZ....and the Medical Officer (MO) sAid thAt it'z normal for humAnz to experience sudden slight pAin in the bodY reAson why?
i blived hiM, and i still bliVe hiM.
howeveR, sucH pAin haz beeN quite frequent lAtely.....i joKed with Alison about asking her to tAke over the 22mm parAfilmz i cut if i eveR pAzz awAy..hahAaa....then she seriouzly sAid i should see a doctor to check thingZ out, and forget abt whAt SAF MOz said....
sigH, guezZ i wonT see a doctor unlezZ thingZ get reAl serious, hahAa....docz are expensiVe ok...i'M gonnA be thriftY!! ;P
howeveR, whAt hAppened todAy reAlly frightenZ me.....did a prAyer...and hoPe thAt everything will be juZ fiNe.
oH, thiZ iz sucH a morbid and bleAk entrY, but no quAlmz......there will alwAyz be a light shininG in my heArt...
P.S.: i feeL my heArt......yeZ, it iz beAting fiNe now. ; )