Friday, June 01, 2007

grAduation...@ Knox

i wAz surfing the net....

and i dizcoveRed thAt one persoN i know who left for college studiez in some foreigN lAnd will be grAduating todAy! after 4 long yeArz...and hiZ commencemenT speAker will be the former US presidenT Bill Clinton. no commentZ on thAt....i know naaatz abt politicZ.

i feeL thAt he will not returN bAck to Singapore, seriouzlY. i alwAyz felt thAt he juZ wannA escApe out of our tinY islAnd....awAy from hiZ pArentz somehow.

anywAy, in a very recenT chAin of gmAiling withiN my geN beN fAmily......we were originAlly discussinG about a bAdminton gAthering @ jerM'z houze.....perhApz around mid-juNe. cuZ jerM'z leAving for US sooN..on a worK-in-the-US progrAm...orgAnized by SIM, heNce we are plAnning some sortA fArewell.

howeveR...i digrezzed to chAt about the possibilitY to stAy in the stAtez permanentlY. and tingtinG (who wenT there for her summeR work-in-the-US progrAm lAst last yeAr) shed some light on me....

she divulged the followinG:

"btw hy, fyi, in case you're interested to know, you can also go there, getsomeone pregnant, then give birth to the child there so the child becomes aUS citizen then help to convert you, the father, to US citizen too.... orworse come to worse, try seeking refuge there for whatsoever reason, the USgovt might consider to take you in........"

isn'T thiZ interestinG? perhApz he alreAdy adopted thiZ strAtegy!!! ;P

stilL in lAb coomAssie stAining my SDS geL...


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