Friday, June 29, 2007

lAst dAy of mY 2nd urecA...!!!

yAy!!!! todAy'z officiAlly my lAst dAy for urecA 06/07!! beeN attAched for my 2nd tiMe for 9 monthZ with Dr. Koh'z lAb...mY appoinTed mentoR wAz Xie Yi too~~~ ^O^

9 monthZ + 1 pozteR + 1 reseArch reporT = urecA 06/07!!!

pheW....all thAnkz to Xie Yi thAt i manAged to compleTe the urecA reporT on MAL over a period of 3 dAyz...reAlly tougH cuZ i felT unwelL recentlY, and i'M reAlly thAnkful for the vigorouz editinG and suggestionZ by Xie Yi....thAnkz nice guY!!!! wondeR if he dropz bY here thougH?

anywAyz i gAve my blog addie to a coupLe of lAbberz...and thinK they will droP bY here if theY are bored and thirstY for some lAme jokeZ...;P

my sincerezT grAtitude to all pAzt and present lAbberz......thAnk you Dr. Koh...thAnk you Xie Yi...thAnkz Pritpal...thAnkz Alison...thAnkzzZ Jayne...thAnkz Meihua...thAnkz Agatha...thAnkz Yiwen...thAnkz Yvonne...thAnkz Elynn...thAnkz Yinling...thAnkz Gopal...thAnkz sherrY...thAnkz jing linG...thAnkz Guna too...thAnkz thAnkz thAnkz for the hAppy timezzZ....!!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

spenT mY lAst dAy creAting "frostY" the miNi snowmAn...hahAa...see my next entrY bAh!! hahAaa...and alSo spenT pArt of my dAy holdinG a photoshooT for rivAn pAul and hiZ shAll see the photoZ lAter...heH!!!

alSo, there'll be no more urecA for me bcuZ it'z onlY offered to yR 2 and 3 studentZ..!! me too old liAo.....heH, gonnA be in yR 4 liAo!! ^O^

some nice photoZ of my lAb areA...:

wheRe i siT in the lAb office....^O^

zooM into the whiteboArd @ my seat....and you'lL see thiZ nice mAgnet winX boArd....a gifT from yvonNe!!! hahAa...i'M kindA crAzy over winX......bewAre of my spellZ and the drAgonfire!!! enchAntix!!!

thiZ iz agathA'z rivAn pAul!!!!! a beAr from RP (originAlly republic polY, buT rivAn pAul soundZ mucH higH clAzz righT?)....and hiZ friendZ!!!!! nAmely the eppendoRf over-cAffeined tuBe (noTe the buldginG eyeZ and over-enthusiAstic smile), the pAper sheeP and the miniAture horseY!!

anotheR vieW of theM stAnding!!!!!!!!

thiZ iz mY lAb bencH!!!! i siT beside Xie Yi...mine'Z the lAbcoat with the 2 sleevez hAnging dowN....jAyne uzed to sit on our lefT....^o^

theZe are all my balAncez for centrifugAtion...;P

a pAper fAlcon rAck i mAde from a gloVe cArdboArd box!!!! recycLe and reuZe!!! ;P

and thiZ iz siZkoalA!!! the guArdian of my lAbcoat....she'z iroNed onto the bottoM left pockeT of my lAbcoat....stilL wonderinG why the compAny mAde the koalA greeN? duH....yvonNe sAid cuZ it'z frighteNed by me.......duH!! ^o^

yAy.....urecA...!!!!! mY besT joB eveR!!!

i will mizZ lAbbing...



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