Friday, June 29, 2007

frostY the miNi snowboY!!!

oH mY...!! looK!!! frostY the miNi snowboY hAz beeN creAted @ biochemiztrY lAb 5 of sbS, nTu!!!!

hoW...and whAt'z needed for the creAtion?? juZ folloW thiZ steP bY steP mAgical frostY journeY....

1sTly, some ingredientZ requiRed...and also some brief intRo to lAb equipmentZ...

a pAcket of spreAding loopZ!! theZe are uzed for plAting bActeria on agAr plAtez....

a zooM into the "looP" on the tiP of eAch piece...
a boX of bLue pipetTe tiPz....

an isolAted bLue tiP!!! it cAn hold uP to 1mL of liquid!!

soMe metAl foldAble striP twiNed arouNd my red peN cAp...;P thiZ iz vitAl for mAking frostY a hAppy shAll see whY...

a filteR heAd to be attAched to a syrinGe to steriliZe our FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum)...erM, onlY the toP pAckaging iz needed.

and...whAt'z a snowboY withouT reAl frosT and ice????? ^o^

souRce of frosT and the hoMe of frostY....the -80 degreeZ fridGe!!!!!

all of the aboVe...pluZ a mAgical incAntation:

behoLd the creAtion of frostY...
witH visioN througH bLue eyeZ of loopY...
witH a noZe thAt'z a bLue tippY...
witH a hAt froM a filteR wrAppy...
witH a smiLe froM a metAl strippY...
witH a bi-sphericAl bodY of chill-lY icY...
witH a hoMe on the secoNd storeY...
leT liVe the snowboY frostY!!!

theN da-duH..!!!!!!!!!!! let'Z peeP into the secoNd storeY in the -80 fridGe...

theRe....the secoNd knoB froM the bottoM leAdz to the 2nd storeY...

and heRe iz frostY the miNi snowboY!!!!!!!!! hahaAaa....

frostY agAin..!!!! thiZ tiMe a cloze-uP....and looK!! frostY'z feelinG cold too....witH more frosT crystAllizing on hiM......hahAa...



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