Sunday, June 03, 2007

nAtional runwAy cyclinG 2007

nAtional runwAy cyclinG (NRC) iz an annuAl event held bY SAFRA and i thinK the nAtional fAmily counciL or somethinG like promoTe fAmily one of the fAmily weeK eventZ~

thiZ time rouNd...the ideA iz to cycLe or rollerblAde on the plane runwAyz of the Paya Lebar Air Base!!!!!! woo Hoo~~~ originAlly we wAnted to try 6KM....theN we decided to registeR for the 15KM....hahAaa....

8 of us from the SBS Biochemistry Lab 5.15 (cuZ 7 of us froM Lab 5, one of us from Lab 6...;P) formed the Enchantix teAm and participAted in thiZ event!!!!!!! witH me as the teAm leAder...hahAa....i decided on the teAm nAme....shAll blog on whAT Enchantix iz next tiMe...;P

i wAnted to trY the 15KM.....but did 6KM only, cuZ jAyne did not feel well....she got like the worst biKe i switcHed bikes with heR...theN accompAnied her bAck using the shorter rouTe......thAt'z after restinG on the runwAy...and blowinG the soApy bubbleZ on the runwAY to chilL her and relAx her...hahAaa......anywAy my legZ are so tired froM the "three stepZ one boW" evenT abouT 3 dAyz bAck...

ouR boArding pAss!!!!!!!! it mAtches pArt of my NRIC number...;P

the stArt poinT!!!!!!!! the runwAy is so wide and nice to ride alonG!!!!!!!!

juZ a snApshot of the cloudZ aboVe the cyclistZ......the weAther was so hoT..........and very sunnY....the cloudZ are so veR wonderfuL....the cyclistZ...hmM, are ever so cyclistiC...hahAaa.....

theRe wAz some air crAft diZplAy neAR the entrAnce....and we tooK cAndid shotZ! there wAz one with XY tryinG to stoP a missiLe...but didn'T posT cuZ he mAy not liKe it? anywAyz...he doesn'T hAve my bloG addie...hahAaa..

looK!!!!!! not Superman....but SuperillZ liftinG up a plAne!!!!!!

a grouP photo after the evenT.....i remeM we tooK one uz mounTed on our biKez at the stArt point...thinK with Yiwen'z cAmera.......Left to Right...Top row: XY, MH, Felicity, Holly....Bottom row: illZ, Elynn, Yiwen, Jayne...

reAlly hAppy to see never see her for a yeAR liAo loH! ;P glAd she'z doinG fiNe at some very nice NUS reseArch lAb...

looK cArefully......heY!! thAt'z me as the piloT!!!!!!

a cloZe up.......there iZ the hAppy Captain illZ!!!!! a pRoud membeR of the Cloud Appreciation Society....i never forget to tAke nice cloudY photoZ...:

thiZ iz a genie emerginG from the Air Base!!!!

az felicitY suggested......we shAll nAme thiZ the "Silver Lining"....

so tiRed.....but fuN!!!!!!!!!!


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