Monday, June 25, 2007

bollywood veggieZ!!

bAsically, bollywood veggieZ iz a locAl orgAnic fArm around the Kranji countryside.....kindA inassessibLe without a vehicLe!!

it wAz my 2nd visit, similArly with the lAbberz from Prof. Koh'z lAb, and thiZ round i tooK Prof. Koh's benZ to and fro as welL!! woo Hoo~ ;P

wAzn't any speciAl occAssion....heNce we pAid most of the luncH @ Poison Ivy (the biztRo in the fArm) ourselVez.....buT it'Z the compAny thAt countz....heH, thiZ round i sAt beside XieYi and it'Z eAsier to chAt thiZ time siNce we're closer to eAch other liAo..

sucH a fuN plAce to be'Z like going bAck to nAture!! ^o^

a feW more interestinG sightinGz on the fArm...:

tryinG to tAke some "artistiC" photoZ.....hahAaa...thiZ shAll be "the dRied tRee stAr"...

eeWW!! a dRied froG/toAd....."froggY"...

theZe dogZ are doubLe B = biG and beAutiful!!!!!!!! theY guArd the Villa right next to the fArm, and everythinG should be owned by the retired coupLe of millionAirez.......woW.... anywAyz theY are juZ abiT shorter thAn the feNce....but XieYi analyZed the sAfety...for theY do not hAve the accelerAting spAce to jumP over the feNce....

i did a revieW on thiZ plAce 2 dAyz ago....thuZ, for more nAtural photoZ...and "technicAl" detAilz on whY you should visit thiZ plAce......go

i wondeR when'z the dAy....when i couLd juZ rinG up a coupLe of friendZ and driVe down to bollywood veggieZ for fuN.......wheN i am capabLe of thAt, i sincerelY hoPe bollywood vegieZ will still be arouNd!! oH come will be loH..........

bAck to urecA reportinG!


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