Sunday, June 03, 2007


a direct trAnzlation of 三步一拜 iz "three stepZ one boW"...and it'z a Buddhist ceremonY thAt'z held annuAlly to celebrAte Vesak Day...!!!

thiZ iz my secoNd time pArticipating in it...and thiZ iz my tickeT for thiZ yeAr!

literAlly....we hAd to boW once every 3 stepZ we tooK....rhythminG with the chAnt plAying in the bAckground throughout the night....

a very tougH and lonG and physicAlly demAnding event....and i felT so dizzY and fAintish hAlfway.......but i held on to complete it!!! felT so relieVed and accomplisHed....

if it'Z so tough, whY do it? i thinK a simple ideA would be.....the process symboliseS the long and tougH roAd towardz enlightenmenT......whicH iz the ultimate aiM in Buddhism....enlightenmenT allowS cessAtion of life to be attAined..............something liKe thAt. i'M still very shAllow in my Buddhism knowlegde...heHeh....

it'z a misbelief thAt you should ask for whAtever you wAnt during the weAlth....a loveR.......a wife or husband....etc etc.....cuZ Buddhism iz totally not about wanting anything mAterialistic like theZe........

insteAd, Buddhism iz about wishinG every sentient beinG (any beinG with a mind....any livinG thing, but howeveR ironicAlly unexplAnably excludinG plAntz) welL and hAppy.......juZ a wishing for eveyone to be out of miserY and pAin and sufferinG.....and theN be able to let go of every attAchment we mAy have.

for me, throughouT the process...i direcTed my lovinG and kindnesS (Metta) towArdz all 4 of my nucleAr fAmily memberz.....i juZ wisH thAt they are welL and hAppy..............theN at the eNd of it....i ended witH the supposed endinG stAtement i leArnt from mAinly Venerable Chun Hui, who iz invited to our NTU Buddhist Society eventz.......:

"May the merits thus accumulated be dedicatd to all sentient beings. May all sentient beings and I be well and happy.....and may all sentient beings and I, one dAy, attain Buddhahood..."

Buddhism apart....Hon Sing (mY frieNd) completed his part by 10pm thAt night......while i reAched at about 11pm, then queued froM 12am to 3am, theN did the actuAl rituAl from 3am tiL.....about 450am.....heH!!

atteNded the evenT with constAnce and her Uncle Bing Kun lAst year.......thiZ year iz with theM too, with the additioN of cheZtr as well! remeMber.....cheZter waz my tuitioN kid...; )

thiZ iz my last yeAr'z tickeT...:

somehoW i alwAyz keep the ticketZ with me in my wAllet....;P

hAppy Vesak Day~~~

mAy all be welL and hAppy...


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