escapAde witH creAmy!!!
finAlly hAd a recesS weeK from schooL....hahAa....gottA set aside one fulL dAy for fuN!!!
1sT wAz to bruncH at creAmy'z houze areA......wondeR whY all nice noodle stAllz hAve to be clozed on tuesdAyz?! hahAaa....but anywAyz, we proceeded on witH the v nice 5 stAr chickeN rice...and kallAng pratA for bruncH, theN moVed on to clemeNti....
reAched eArly for our kboX sloT....heNce, went shoppinG @ biG bookshoP! beeN agez siNce i stepped it theRe.......and i found my yelloW pApermate erAcer there too!!! and guezZ whAt....2 for 1.5 buckz...i'M liKe - it muZ be a fAke........anywAyz no blAck, so i wAz relieVed.....boughT a nAmecard holder anywAyz....
theN kboX from 2pm to 7pM!!! woW....recorded lotzA crAppy songz....hahAaa...gottA consolidAte and edit and converT our recordingZ.....somedAy. ;P
theN moVed onto chineZe gArden for our miNi 3-hour around the worLd tour!!!! cuZ the lAntern dizplAyz were focuzed on the 7 wonderZ of the worLd!!!!! so nice.....but the highlighT of the night wAz not the lAnternz, but our debuT stAge performAnce of "Zhi Zao Lang Man"...wahahAaa.....thAt'z my bdAy prezZie from creAmy!!! irreplAceably unforgettAble!!!! thAnkz creAmy!!!!!!
we wenT on the pAgoda towerz in the nice!!!!
theN...we wenT for some 7-11 suppeR on a club sAndwich....and me drAnk pink dolphiN while she drAnk greeN teA........
theN we cAught 1 of the lAst trAinz to get hoMe.
a fulL dAy of fuN....a greAt miNi locAl escapAde!!!!!!!! ;P
it wilL be seriouz settlinG of schooL stuffZ from thiZ moment oN!!!!! ^o^
crAppy loVely hAppy dAy~