Tuesday, September 26, 2006

escapAde witH creAmy!!!

hahAaa....we were plAnning siNce lAst week for our miNi locAl escapAde todAy!

finAlly hAd a recesS weeK from schooL....hahAa....gottA set aside one fulL dAy for fuN!!!

1sT wAz to bruncH at creAmy'z houze areA......wondeR whY all nice noodle stAllz hAve to be clozed on tuesdAyz?! hahAaa....but anywAyz, we proceeded on witH the v nice 5 stAr chickeN rice...and kallAng pratA for bruncH, theN moVed on to clemeNti....

reAched eArly for our kboX sloT....heNce, went shoppinG @ biG bookshoP! beeN agez siNce i stepped it theRe.......and i found my yelloW pApermate erAcer there too!!! and guezZ whAt....2 for 1.5 buckz...i'M liKe - it muZ be a fAke........anywAyz no blAck, so i wAz relieVed.....boughT a nAmecard holder anywAyz....

theN kboX from 2pm to 7pM!!! woW....recorded lotzA crAppy songz....hahAaa...gottA consolidAte and edit and converT our recordingZ.....somedAy. ;P

theN moVed onto chineZe gArden for our miNi 3-hour around the worLd tour!!!! cuZ the lAntern dizplAyz were focuzed on the 7 wonderZ of the worLd!!!!! so nice.....but the highlighT of the night wAz not the lAnternz, but our debuT stAge performAnce of "Zhi Zao Lang Man"...wahahAaa.....thAt'z my bdAy prezZie from creAmy!!! irreplAceably unforgettAble!!!! thAnkz creAmy!!!!!!

we wenT on the pAgoda towerz in the gArden..........so nice!!!!

theN...we wenT for some 7-11 suppeR on a club sAndwich....and me drAnk pink dolphiN while she drAnk greeN teA........

theN we cAught 1 of the lAst trAinz to get hoMe.

a fulL dAy of fuN....a greAt miNi locAl escapAde!!!!!!!! ;P

it wilL be seriouz settlinG of schooL stuffZ from thiZ moment oN!!!!! ^o^

crAppy loVely hAppy dAy~

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

beAuty worLd rockZ!!

i hAve fouNd one of mY neW fAve shopping complexez - beAuty worLd!

thougH quite oldY...along bukit timAh roAd etc.....but it'Z a v nice plAce to be!!!

moZ importAntly, i fouNd my loVely pApermate erAcer there!!!!!!!!!!!! hahAaa....

wAz prAying hArd....cuZ ZY boughT miNe for me theRe....and i wAz hopinG the onlY 1 lefT iz stilL there........

i combed the whoLe buildinG despiTe my fLu......3rd flooR....2nd....then 1st....theN finAlly bAsement!!!!!! and thiZ "Grassland Book Shop" at B1 rocKz!!!!!

it hAz so so so mAny stAtionery!!!! i wAnted to buY onlY the erAcer...but ended uP spreeinG ard the shoP.....hahAaa.....boughT cuTe and usefuL thingz...

anywAyz, i stocKed up bY buyinG 2 blAck, 1 yelloW (to commemorAte ZY'z...), and 1 bLue erAcerz!!!!! wooHoo~~~

noW usinG one of the blAck onez....wroTe my initiAlz and hAndphone number on the hiddeN compArtment of the erAcer...juZ in cAse! hahAaa...

moved on to diNe on thiZ v v v v v v V nice muttoN souP at the 4tH flooR of beAuty worLd! cAn't bliVe me so into thiZ soup cuZ me never aTe muttoN for liKe the whoLe of my life....theN i loVe thiZ one!!! see:

hahAaa....all right, bAck to "lAb reportinG"....

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

mY loVely yelloW pApermate erAcer...

cAn't bliVe i losT the yelloW pApermate erAcer ZY gAve me...... ;(

it all hAppened lAst fridAy...i wAz so cAught by fLu...and hAd to rusH from my scH building to lib 1 theN rusH bAck.....i plAced the erAcer and my mechAnical penciL (the loVely duoZ) into my breAst pockeT all the whiLe.......the rAin....then rushinG.........the fLu......

wheN i wAz on the buS at the end of the dAy......i wAz only lefT with the penciL..........................................

a kiNd and surprisinG gifT from a frieNd........i stilL remem. the moment of smileZ wheN i receiVed it from hiM in an enveloPe at the SBS lobbY sofA.........tiL now, i hAve not told ZY yeT, sigH.....

hoPe mY cheZter could find it....hoPe adriAn would reAlly ask hiz pArentz to buy from overseAz (whicH i doubT he will eveN remembeR)...............andreA'z chAnces of buyinG it froM jApan seemz negligibLe...............................................will the greeN one @ beAuty world still be there?

i hAve juZ combed the whole journeY froM lib 1 to sbS building....eveN CR1..........but to no avAil.
juZ whY agAin.....? perhApz thingZ are more fuN thiZ way?

the 2nd seArch for the pApermate erAcer...

Monday, September 11, 2006

reAlization of reAlity in cAnteen 2 triP...

atteNded a tutoriAl at lectuRe theAtre 2 juZ now.....whicH wAz neAr the fountAin wAlkway towards hAll 2 areA....

suddenlY felT liKe eAting some cAnteen 2 food....the miXed veG rice...or chickeN rice......sAdly, the spAghetti i loved so mucH hAs wound up....the auntY told me wheN she sAw me beN & jerryinG at downtowN eAst during the julY summeR holidAy.....she sAid she ofteN visits downtowN eAst with her fAmily....cuZ she livez at pAsir riZ..........she wAz the "cinderellA" of pAsir riZ...hahaAaa....seriouzlY i mizz the spAghetti so mucH........;P

anywAyz, i bidded adriAn and zhishenG "bYe"....and proceeded onto cAnteen 2 aloNe.....wAlked pAst my preV hosteL....blK 6 #01-103...mizZed my owN privAte toileT.......

wheN i reAched cAn 2....i reAlized it wz too eArly........most stallz were still clozed. the chickeN rice...the miXed veG rice....duH! sAw 2 new stAllz.....1 on HK food....1 oN vegetArian. decided to try the lAtter....and it kindA sucKz, only the popiAh iz nice.......;P

anywAyz....went on to nAnyang supermArt....and reAlized cAdbury boosT iz cheAper by 10centZ thAn in the supermArt outleT at the bAsement of my school buildinG!!!! grAbbed one...mosT prob will eAt during my 1-hR breAk lAter....

tooK the fRee shuttLe bus bAck to SBS buildinG....and here i aM in the comP lAb aloNe wAiting for my lecT to begiN @ 1230 hrs.

strAngely, i reAlized Adrian iz juZ someone who needz someone else to accopAny him in schooL. the "someoNe else" cAn be anyone. now his "someoNe elZe" iz Zhisheng. me not obliged to cAretake him anywAyz....are we friendZ? i doubT so. i am juZ hiz acAdemic associAte.

i remembeR telling him...in a jokinglY despisinG mAnner lAst week...i do not wisH to attend hiZ marriage ceremonY anymoRe........cuZ i uzed to asK him to remembeR to invite me theN. i decided it iz pointlesS now. he asKed me if i aM seriouz....at leAst he botheRed to ask? and i replied a smileY "yeZ.............buT do cAll me to let me know you aRe gettinG mArried....i wannA buY 4d........50 big 50 smAll....striKe toP priZe cAn get 200K....."

bAck to reAlity...

bAck to the hAppy and fRee solitAry life...

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

wirelezZ @ nIe agAin!!!

remeM abt. 1 yeAr + aGo...me cAme to nIe (nAtional instituTe of educAtion) to configuRe my wirelezZ abilitiez....and Odyssey Client was instAlled....

Odyssey iz a progrAm which guArdz and controlZ all the wirelezZ connectionZ my lAppy wAntz to connect to.......suddenlY the licenze wAz disAbled, so i gottA visit nIe computeR lAb to renew the thingie.....

time chAngez thingZ.........and Odyssey haz beeN ruled obsolete! now a more convenient systeM is estAblished.....some credentiAlz thingie......and so i aM blogginG heRe right noW! hahAaa....

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

mY loVely sAm sooN!!!!!!!!

noW me reAlly into thiZ loVely koreAn show!!!!!!!

abT thiZ plumP 30-yR-oLd girL.......lookinG for loVe in a funnY wAy.....hahAa....

finAlly....now theY are fAlling in loVe with eAch other.....:

owninG the dvd or vcd seeMed non-excitinG.........i prefer to rusH home and wAtch it at 10pm everydAy!!

welL, adriAn sAid thiZ show iz too expectAble........welL, i loVe to wAtch expectAble showz! eveN if i know they will be together eventuAlly, i know they will kisS, i knoW they will scold eAch other.......i still wannA wAtch it hAppen in subsequent episodez! hahAaa....

my loVely sAm sooN!!!

twinkLestAr spriteZ!

thiZ iz one fo the adorAble gAmez thAt Adrian gAve me. he iz kindA experT in gAming since thAt iz the onlY thing he ever doeZ during hiZ free tiMe. duH.

totAlly opposite....for me to not engAge in gAmez at all, but i liKe brAinles cuTe gAmez like thiZ one.......

juZ shoot and shooT............avoid being shoT etc etc = brAinless righT?

anywAyz, i wAz plAying with him at the comP lAb during thiZ 4-hR lAb PCR wAiting time todAy...thAt'z why i hAve os mucH tiMe to bloG...hahAaa....

i losT to him so mAny timeZ, but at leAst i woN abt 2 timeZ? not bAd leH........i dont plAy gAmez normAlly so my refleX iz slower.............forgivAble and expectAble.

anywAyz, it'Z a dizgrAce of him to lose 2 timeZ to me...he losT to my lucK! hahAa...

the followinG iz one of the chAracterz....

neArly erupted my anger at hiM cuZ i kepT losing, but i suppressed and thoughT thAt it'Z pointlezZ to be angrY, it'Z juZ a gAme!!!!!!!!!!! duH.......

recAlling my childhood dAyz....where i would throW tAntrums when i lose during any kind of gAme......welL, thAt iz true childishnezZ, which i chooze not to be. ;P

the PCR reAction shAll be done in 1 hour'Z time!

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

the end of quArrelz...

welL, actuAlly, frAnkly..........................i hAve beeN hAving weird mood swingz lAtely, especiAlly towardz Adrian.

i uzed to suppress my anger quite welL alreAdy........cuZ my childhood temper was reAlly terrible! theN i could controL it welL wheN i grew older........

untiL recently...thAt i kept losing my pAtience and erupted my anger. oK, perhaps not erupted, just pissed off eAsily.

whAt'z wrong? cuZ i stopped meditAting?

anywAy, cuZ Adrian kept doing thingZ thAt annoy me....like ignorinG me, wAlking away amidst me tAlking..........welL, i cAn understAnd thAt'z hiz style, but i hoPe he could reAlly chAnge somedAy for hiz own good.

thoughT of provokinG him on purpose for multiple timeZ to knock some senSe into him......the pseudo quArrelz etc. welL, in turn, i wAz affected by my own actionZ. hahA........pAradoxicAl mind me hAving................

i wAz quite sAddened somehow, theN finAlly apolgized when i hAd a chAnce to be with him, cuZ Zhisheng went off to print some notes.

welL, we tAlked thingZ out, and i agreed not to be so sillY anymore!

i shAll juZ let him be..........hoPe he will be able to surviVe next time in the societY, and not get condeMned a the probability iz quite higH. ;P

no more quArrelz, all smiLez and hAppiness agAin....hoPe to regAin my meditAtion too!

weirdlY childishlY...

urecA agAin!!!!!

i am thrilled to receiVe my "urecA" invitAtion "pAssport" once agAin thiZ yeAr!!!!! so luckY!!!!!!!!

contActed Prof. Koh promptlY....and she iz hAppy to welcoMe me bAck to her lAb too! ^o^

gonnA apply for assess to more plAcez thiZ time round........

thinK thiZ yeAr wilL be hectic.....mosT prob. wilL requesT to lAb onlY during holidAyz? yeA!!!!

glAd thAt ZY got hiZ urecA for a 2nd tiMe too!!!!! congrAtz to uz!!! ^O^

so hAppy~~~

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

recApping yiyi'Z hoRze rAce theorY...

remembeR the entrY of "yiyi'Z hoRze rAce theorY... " in July 2005?

previouslY....the solitAry poweR horZe zooMed the 1sT quArter of hiZ journeY with a leAding grAce....

the rAce continueZ...and thiZ solitAry poweR horZe mAnaged to continue hiZ leAding grAce to reAch the midpoint of hiZ 4-yeAr journeY!!!!

sucH a hAppy evenT..........and of cuZ, he will continue to zooM on....and do hiZ besT!!

a rAce agAinst oneself...all the besT to the poweR horZe!!!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

comeX show 2006

beeN there witH Alex..and met uP with Pinky too! hahAaa....

Alex iz my clAssmate....while Pinky is the girl who plAyed mAplestory with me quite sometiMe ago! ;P

thinK theY are a lovelY coupLe thougH. ;)

anywAyz....boughT thiZ adorAble seAgate pocket hArddisk....149 sellinG @ 59! 2.5GB...welL, i thinK it'z a good buY.......beeN wanting to owN one of thiZ cute productZ....but hAven't got the abilitY to do so. now i owN one! mY 256mb thumbdriVe seemZ too smAll to accomodAte the big big neurologY noteZ...

recAlling my seAgate 60GB externAl hArddisk i boughT at the IT shoW in mArch...now i hAve a collectioN of seAgate productZ....;P

alSo, grAbbed thiZ sAmsung lAzer printer.....189 orig....now 99! heH........finAlly i hAve my own printeR!

all right, i speNd on thingZ i need...^o^

mAy all be welL and hAppy.

thigH vibrAtionz...

woW....beeN quite a whiLe siNce i lAst blogGed....

busY witH scH...*slAcking and not tutoriAling...sdozinG durinG lectZ....sigH!* theN tuitioN....theN beN & jerrY'z....etc etc. juZ where aM i going? and wheN wilL i eveR hAve the heArt to sit dowN and stArt studying and wonderinG whAt the helL mY lectZ were abouT..............kindA angrY with myself, but whAt'z the point? life goeZ on...

anywAy, beeN wanting to bloG-in a few entrieZ...heNce i shAll put in whAt i thinK i remember....

thiZ entrY'z abt thiZ weird littLe vibration on my left upper thigH recentlY....beeN going on for a couple of weekZ...now it hAs subsided.

couLd something be growinG out of nowhere? hoPe not....

it'Z weird cuZ i thoughT it was my phone in vibrAtion mode, which apparently wAsn't cuZ my phoNe was in my righT pocket! hahAa.....wondeR whAt'z cAusing the spAsmz...something to do with cAlcium ion concentrAtion around the muscLe cellZ etc etc.

anywAyz, reAlized Alex was hAving the sAme weird experience too! Alex (pinky'Z boyfrieNd) iz my clAssmate by the wAy......

mAy all be welL and hAppy..