Sunday, September 17, 2006

mY loVely yelloW pApermate erAcer...

cAn't bliVe i losT the yelloW pApermate erAcer ZY gAve me...... ;(

it all hAppened lAst fridAy...i wAz so cAught by fLu...and hAd to rusH from my scH building to lib 1 theN rusH bAck.....i plAced the erAcer and my mechAnical penciL (the loVely duoZ) into my breAst pockeT all the whiLe.......the rAin....then rushinG.........the fLu......

wheN i wAz on the buS at the end of the dAy......i wAz only lefT with the penciL..........................................

a kiNd and surprisinG gifT from a frieNd........i stilL remem. the moment of smileZ wheN i receiVed it from hiM in an enveloPe at the SBS lobbY sofA.........tiL now, i hAve not told ZY yeT, sigH.....

hoPe mY cheZter could find it....hoPe adriAn would reAlly ask hiz pArentz to buy from overseAz (whicH i doubT he will eveN remembeR)...............andreA'z chAnces of buyinG it froM jApan seemz negligibLe...............................................will the greeN one @ beAuty world still be there?

i hAve juZ combed the whole journeY froM lib 1 to sbS building....eveN CR1..........but to no avAil.
juZ whY agAin.....? perhApz thingZ are more fuN thiZ way?

the 2nd seArch for the pApermate erAcer...


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