Wednesday, September 06, 2006

twinkLestAr spriteZ!

thiZ iz one fo the adorAble gAmez thAt Adrian gAve me. he iz kindA experT in gAming since thAt iz the onlY thing he ever doeZ during hiZ free tiMe. duH.

totAlly opposite....for me to not engAge in gAmez at all, but i liKe brAinles cuTe gAmez like thiZ one.......

juZ shoot and shooT............avoid being shoT etc etc = brAinless righT?

anywAyz, i wAz plAying with him at the comP lAb during thiZ 4-hR lAb PCR wAiting time todAy...thAt'z why i hAve os mucH tiMe to bloG...hahAaa....

i losT to him so mAny timeZ, but at leAst i woN abt 2 timeZ? not bAd leH........i dont plAy gAmez normAlly so my refleX iz slower.............forgivAble and expectAble.

anywAyz, it'Z a dizgrAce of him to lose 2 timeZ to me...he losT to my lucK! hahAa...

the followinG iz one of the chAracterz....

neArly erupted my anger at hiM cuZ i kepT losing, but i suppressed and thoughT thAt it'Z pointlezZ to be angrY, it'Z juZ a gAme!!!!!!!!!!! duH.......

recAlling my childhood dAyz....where i would throW tAntrums when i lose during any kind of gAme......welL, thAt iz true childishnezZ, which i chooze not to be. ;P

the PCR reAction shAll be done in 1 hour'Z time!

mAy all be welL and hAppy...


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