thigH vibrAtionz...
woW....beeN quite a whiLe siNce i lAst blogGed....
busY witH scH...*slAcking and not tutoriAling...sdozinG durinG lectZ....sigH!* theN tuitioN....theN beN & jerrY'z....etc etc. juZ where aM i going? and wheN wilL i eveR hAve the heArt to sit dowN and stArt studying and wonderinG whAt the helL mY lectZ were abouT..............kindA angrY with myself, but whAt'z the point? life goeZ on...
anywAy, beeN wanting to bloG-in a few entrieZ...heNce i shAll put in whAt i thinK i remember....
thiZ entrY'z abt thiZ weird littLe vibration on my left upper thigH recentlY....beeN going on for a couple of it hAs subsided.
couLd something be growinG out of nowhere? hoPe not....
it'Z weird cuZ i thoughT it was my phone in vibrAtion mode, which apparently wAsn't cuZ my phoNe was in my righT pocket! hahAa.....wondeR whAt'z cAusing the spAsmz...something to do with cAlcium ion concentrAtion around the muscLe cellZ etc etc.
anywAyz, reAlized Alex was hAving the sAme weird experience too! Alex (pinky'Z boyfrieNd) iz my clAssmate by the wAy......
mAy all be welL and hAppy..
busY witH scH...*slAcking and not tutoriAling...sdozinG durinG lectZ....sigH!* theN tuitioN....theN beN & jerrY'z....etc etc. juZ where aM i going? and wheN wilL i eveR hAve the heArt to sit dowN and stArt studying and wonderinG whAt the helL mY lectZ were abouT..............kindA angrY with myself, but whAt'z the point? life goeZ on...
anywAy, beeN wanting to bloG-in a few entrieZ...heNce i shAll put in whAt i thinK i remember....
thiZ entrY'z abt thiZ weird littLe vibration on my left upper thigH recentlY....beeN going on for a couple of it hAs subsided.
couLd something be growinG out of nowhere? hoPe not....
it'Z weird cuZ i thoughT it was my phone in vibrAtion mode, which apparently wAsn't cuZ my phoNe was in my righT pocket! hahAa.....wondeR whAt'z cAusing the spAsmz...something to do with cAlcium ion concentrAtion around the muscLe cellZ etc etc.
anywAyz, reAlized Alex was hAving the sAme weird experience too! Alex (pinky'Z boyfrieNd) iz my clAssmate by the wAy......
mAy all be welL and hAppy..
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