Monday, September 11, 2006

reAlization of reAlity in cAnteen 2 triP...

atteNded a tutoriAl at lectuRe theAtre 2 juZ now.....whicH wAz neAr the fountAin wAlkway towards hAll 2 areA....

suddenlY felT liKe eAting some cAnteen 2 food....the miXed veG rice...or chickeN rice......sAdly, the spAghetti i loved so mucH hAs wound up....the auntY told me wheN she sAw me beN & jerryinG at downtowN eAst during the julY summeR holidAy.....she sAid she ofteN visits downtowN eAst with her fAmily....cuZ she livez at pAsir riZ..........she wAz the "cinderellA" of pAsir riZ...hahaAaa....seriouzlY i mizz the spAghetti so mucH........;P

anywAyz, i bidded adriAn and zhishenG "bYe"....and proceeded onto cAnteen 2 aloNe.....wAlked pAst my preV hosteL....blK 6 #01-103...mizZed my owN privAte toileT.......

wheN i reAched cAn 2....i reAlized it wz too eArly........most stallz were still clozed. the chickeN rice...the miXed veG rice....duH! sAw 2 new stAllz.....1 on HK food....1 oN vegetArian. decided to try the lAtter....and it kindA sucKz, only the popiAh iz nice.......;P

anywAyz....went on to nAnyang supermArt....and reAlized cAdbury boosT iz cheAper by 10centZ thAn in the supermArt outleT at the bAsement of my school buildinG!!!! grAbbed one...mosT prob will eAt during my 1-hR breAk lAter....

tooK the fRee shuttLe bus bAck to SBS buildinG....and here i aM in the comP lAb aloNe wAiting for my lecT to begiN @ 1230 hrs.

strAngely, i reAlized Adrian iz juZ someone who needz someone else to accopAny him in schooL. the "someoNe else" cAn be anyone. now his "someoNe elZe" iz Zhisheng. me not obliged to cAretake him anywAyz....are we friendZ? i doubT so. i am juZ hiz acAdemic associAte.

i remembeR telling a jokinglY despisinG mAnner lAst week...i do not wisH to attend hiZ marriage ceremonY anymoRe........cuZ i uzed to asK him to remembeR to invite me theN. i decided it iz pointlesS now. he asKed me if i aM leAst he botheRed to ask? and i replied a smileY "yeZ.............buT do cAll me to let me know you aRe gettinG mArried....i wannA buY 4d........50 big 50 smAll....striKe toP priZe cAn get 200K....."

bAck to reAlity...

bAck to the hAppy and fRee solitAry life...

mAy all be welL and hAppy...


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