Friday, April 29, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
flyinG awAy~!!!!
"one dAy i'lL flY awAy" - nicoLe kidmAn
flyinG awAy~!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
thAwing the sobeR cHef.
juZ az i blogGed abouT thAwing myseLf...
i thAwed thiZ vAcuum-pAcked chickeN thigH froM costcO and turNed it into a deliciouZ spicY disH~~~ it shAll be my luncH tomorroW~~~
cookinG therApy alwAyz workZ~!!!
the sobeR cHef hAz begAn hiZ missioN~!!! and he needZ to buY moRe sugAr~~~ ;^)
alSo, the PCR freezeR in the lAb wAz kindA thAwed.
whY...whY am i the one to returN to lAb kindA lAte at nighT to set uP pcrZ and theN dizcoveR the ajAr freezeR dooR? thiZ mAkez me lAugh...~
hmM, i lAb shouLd owN ~10 PCR mAchinez....seriouzlY?!
anywAyz, i leArnt thAt you hAve to twisT the temperAture diAl inside the freezeR for it to "wAke uP" afteR the dooR hAz beeN lefT ajAr for some tiMe.
argH, and whY do i keeP injurinG my righT hAnd? juZ knocKed it agAinzt the corneR of a lAb bencH...luckily NOT on my alreAdy bAdly bruiZed thumB, whicH stilL hurtZ...
"befoRe the snoW meltZ" - sodAgreen.
on a certAin nighT, you lefT me.
on a certAin dAy, you wAlked towArdz me.
aT a certAin momenT, i understood...
a certAin kind of loVe thAt belongZ to me.
wAndering @ the borderZ of my dreAm...
wheRe the worLd froZe in tiMe.
leAving me in solitude.
i see the wiNd approAching.
i heAr the cloudZ dizpersinG.
expectinG to meet uP witH youR loVe.
buT i end up hAving a frozeN snowY heArt.
the skY and eArth...
everything'Z not sloW and not fAst.
everything'Z not good and not bAd.
i'M focuZed but diztrActed...
endinG my wAsteful bliNd guesseS...
i'M unafrAid of wAking uP anymoRe...
endinG the unpeAcefulnezz...
there'Z sunlighT az lonG az there'Z dArknezz...
lettinG go of tiMe and spAce...
and thuZ attAining existeNce.
the suN replAcez the mooN...
and i wAke uP witH a smiLe...
i thAwed thiZ vAcuum-pAcked chickeN thigH froM costcO and turNed it into a deliciouZ spicY disH~~~ it shAll be my luncH tomorroW~~~
cookinG therApy alwAyz workZ~!!!
the sobeR cHef hAz begAn hiZ missioN~!!! and he needZ to buY moRe sugAr~~~ ;^)
alSo, the PCR freezeR in the lAb wAz kindA thAwed.
whY...whY am i the one to returN to lAb kindA lAte at nighT to set uP pcrZ and theN dizcoveR the ajAr freezeR dooR? thiZ mAkez me lAugh...~
hmM, i lAb shouLd owN ~10 PCR mAchinez....seriouzlY?!
anywAyz, i leArnt thAt you hAve to twisT the temperAture diAl inside the freezeR for it to "wAke uP" afteR the dooR hAz beeN lefT ajAr for some tiMe.
argH, and whY do i keeP injurinG my righT hAnd? juZ knocKed it agAinzt the corneR of a lAb bencH...luckily NOT on my alreAdy bAdly bruiZed thumB, whicH stilL hurtZ...
"befoRe the snoW meltZ" - sodAgreen.
on a certAin nighT, you lefT me.
on a certAin dAy, you wAlked towArdz me.
aT a certAin momenT, i understood...
a certAin kind of loVe thAt belongZ to me.
wAndering @ the borderZ of my dreAm...
wheRe the worLd froZe in tiMe.
leAving me in solitude.
i see the wiNd approAching.
i heAr the cloudZ dizpersinG.
expectinG to meet uP witH youR loVe.
buT i end up hAving a frozeN snowY heArt.
the skY and eArth...
everything'Z not sloW and not fAst.
everything'Z not good and not bAd.
i'M focuZed but diztrActed...
endinG my wAsteful bliNd guesseS...
i'M unafrAid of wAking uP anymoRe...
endinG the unpeAcefulnezz...
there'Z sunlighT az lonG az there'Z dArknezz...
lettinG go of tiMe and spAce...
and thuZ attAining existeNce.
the suN replAcez the mooN...
and i wAke uP witH a smiLe...
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
figmentzzZ of myseLf...
Been dragging myself around in life - I wish time can be frozen.
Where'z Piper???
Somehow I froze my world? Maybe.
It's only now that I began thawing myself...I'd better make it fast and catch up with all I've sillily lost in the past 2 yearz.
Why doezn't Bloom and Stella exist in real life? I reckon they can help me along the way...but they are better off in their fantasy world~ And they don't even know I exist in reality.
Iz it too late, but izn't it never too late?
Or better late than never?
Well, never say never.
Apologiez acceptably unaccepted.
Enough of my apologiez.
it'Z alwAyz surprizinG to checK bAck @ Kurt and Sam's youtuBe pAge...i simplY adoRe theiR coverZ of songZ...the wAy they presenT them iz simplY amAzing, to the exteNt i prefeR listeninG to theiR versionZ:
"jAr of heArtz"
"who do you thinK you are?"
"born thiZ wAy"
"in the religioN of the insecuRe."
sAm singZ witH sucH energetic pAssion~!!! <3
figmentzzZ of myseLf...
Where'z Piper???
Somehow I froze my world? Maybe.
It's only now that I began thawing myself...I'd better make it fast and catch up with all I've sillily lost in the past 2 yearz.
Why doezn't Bloom and Stella exist in real life? I reckon they can help me along the way...but they are better off in their fantasy world~ And they don't even know I exist in reality.
Iz it too late, but izn't it never too late?
Or better late than never?
Well, never say never.
Apologiez acceptably unaccepted.
Enough of my apologiez.
it'Z alwAyz surprizinG to checK bAck @ Kurt and Sam's youtuBe pAge...i simplY adoRe theiR coverZ of songZ...the wAy they presenT them iz simplY amAzing, to the exteNt i prefeR listeninG to theiR versionZ:
"jAr of heArtz"
"who do you thinK you are?"
"born thiZ wAy"
"in the religioN of the insecuRe."
sAm singZ witH sucH energetic pAssion~!!! <3
figmentzzZ of myseLf...
Monday, April 18, 2011
Princess Fourfeetnine
"living without believing the best would not be living."
Princess Fourfeetnine
So, see-whY shared this blog entry by Princess Fourfeetnine with me:
It iz a touching dezcription of the loving relationship between her grandparentz.
I love her style of writing...bcuz she is very real. She usez alot of "wtf" in her blogposts...which makes it fun to read...oh, and thiz iz why she overusez "wtf":
All hail to Princess Fourfeetnine,
Princess Fourfeetnine
So, see-whY shared this blog entry by Princess Fourfeetnine with me:
It iz a touching dezcription of the loving relationship between her grandparentz.
I love her style of writing...bcuz she is very real. She usez alot of "wtf" in her blogposts...which makes it fun to read...oh, and thiz iz why she overusez "wtf":
All hail to Princess Fourfeetnine,
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
swolleN lefT eyelid...
jerrY pAzzed me a tube of 扶他林, whicH wilL reduce swellinG of soft tissuez....
so i spreAded the creAm onto my righT thumB...and theN suddenlY felT exhAuzted. kindA fAceplanted onto the keyboArd whiLe gchAtting witH see-whY...and i fouNd a sofA to collApze on for a few hourZ.
woke up afteR 4.5 hrz...and i reAlized my lefT eyelid wAz swolleN...
ASPIRIN wAz whAt cAme to my mind.
so i wenT to reAd the tinY chineZe chAracterz on the tube of 扶他林...did soMe reseArch and reAlized it iz a pAin relieveR too~!!, 扶他林 contAinz diclofenAc...the relAtive of aspiriN....theY are all memberZ of the NSAID fAmily...whicH i'M alleRgic to.
i liVe and leArn...LOL~
so i spreAded the creAm onto my righT thumB...and theN suddenlY felT exhAuzted. kindA fAceplanted onto the keyboArd whiLe gchAtting witH see-whY...and i fouNd a sofA to collApze on for a few hourZ.
woke up afteR 4.5 hrz...and i reAlized my lefT eyelid wAz swolleN...
ASPIRIN wAz whAt cAme to my mind.
so i wenT to reAd the tinY chineZe chAracterz on the tube of 扶他林...did soMe reseArch and reAlized it iz a pAin relieveR too~!!, 扶他林 contAinz diclofenAc...the relAtive of aspiriN....theY are all memberZ of the NSAID fAmily...whicH i'M alleRgic to.
i liVe and leArn...LOL~
allY is my soN~~~
argH...he'Z being reAlly nAughty but pArtly my fAult...
i knoW it'Z tiMe to chAnge youR engiNe oiL...and i hAven't mAde an appointmenT yeT, but you don'T hAve to smAsh my righT thumB with youR dooR, righT?!
.....sucH a tAntrumy 10-yr-oLd boY...
and you eveN contiNued to be mizchievouZ abouT youR signAl lightZ...and the poweRed windowzzZ...
thiZ iz dAy 2, buT seriouzlY i bLed for 7 hrz~!!!!
noW, my right thumB iz significantlY lArger than my left thumB...ARGH~!!! >.<
allY, noW thAt i'Ve splurGe USD$1100+ on youR medicAl billZ, you aRe bAck az my good bAby boY agAin~!!!
my wAllet screAmz OUCH too...
oh allY...
argH...he'Z being reAlly nAughty but pArtly my fAult...
i knoW it'Z tiMe to chAnge youR engiNe oiL...and i hAven't mAde an appointmenT yeT, but you don'T hAve to smAsh my righT thumB with youR dooR, righT?!
.....sucH a tAntrumy 10-yr-oLd boY...
and you eveN contiNued to be mizchievouZ abouT youR signAl lightZ...and the poweRed windowzzZ...
thiZ iz dAy 2, buT seriouzlY i bLed for 7 hrz~!!!!
noW, my right thumB iz significantlY lArger than my left thumB...ARGH~!!! >.<
allY, noW thAt i'Ve splurGe USD$1100+ on youR medicAl billZ, you aRe bAck az my good bAby boY agAin~!!!
my wAllet screAmz OUCH too...
oh allY...
it'z tougH to be a dAd...
so, jerrY hAd to mAke a quicK triP bAck to beijinG for an intervieW...
meanwhiLe, i tooK up the dutY of fetchinG him to and fro BWI, and also fetcH mAck (his soN) to and fro preschooL.
mAck'z only he needed a booster seat? yeA, i thinK thAt'z what it'Z cAlled.
hAving a kid in the cAr....reAlly mAde me be veeeeeeeeerY cAreful whiLe drivinG. not onlY the kid...eveN judY (jerry'Z wife) preseNce increAses my attentivenezZ.
seriouzlY, i admiRe all pArentz...
pArenthood iz simplY too mucH of a rezponsibilitY.
yeA, plz tAke a momenT to thinK abouT it.
i chAtted witH judY befoRe, and she toLd me she didn'T eveN thinK abouT gettinG mArried and now she'Z a muM. hahAaa...
noW i mizZ my pArentz,
meanwhiLe, i tooK up the dutY of fetchinG him to and fro BWI, and also fetcH mAck (his soN) to and fro preschooL.
mAck'z only he needed a booster seat? yeA, i thinK thAt'z what it'Z cAlled.
hAving a kid in the cAr....reAlly mAde me be veeeeeeeeerY cAreful whiLe drivinG. not onlY the kid...eveN judY (jerry'Z wife) preseNce increAses my attentivenezZ.
seriouzlY, i admiRe all pArentz...
pArenthood iz simplY too mucH of a rezponsibilitY.
yeA, plz tAke a momenT to thinK abouT it.
i chAtted witH judY befoRe, and she toLd me she didn'T eveN thinK abouT gettinG mArried and now she'Z a muM. hahAaa...
noW i mizZ my pArentz,
Building Sophie's Castle. :^)
Review of "Sophie's Castle":
It was a late night in lab, and I happened to chance upon this book while chilling with a Sierra.
Ben bought this book for the somehow motivate the lab...and I guess it has been on his bookshelf all this while.
I sat down and read it, I think this was the first time I reaaaally read it. Perhaps the first was Ben reading it to me/us? ;^)
Building Sophie's Castle,
Oh wait, perhaps MVP Bus doesn't suck that much...really. ;)
I need to clarify why I was bashing MVP...and why I chose to retract my bashing.
So, due to some administrative errors, I wasn't able to board the bus from Baltimore to NYC even though I registered early at the, come on?! I had to watch the bus leave right in front of me...and my friends had to wait for me at NYC...frameshifting our plans etc etc...
While I sat there, I posted my previous post.
During my trip...I was thinking about this issue when I have temporary moments to sit and think. My conclusion is, MVP Bus doesn't suck that much.
At least I was able to eventually claim 2 return tickets back from Dec 2009 and convert them into this round trip in Apr 2011.
However, their administration system is messy since they have 3rd party ticket sales going on...
MVP Bus, plz do something about yourself.
I'll try Bolt Bus for my next NYC trip. ;^)
So, due to some administrative errors, I wasn't able to board the bus from Baltimore to NYC even though I registered early at the, come on?! I had to watch the bus leave right in front of me...and my friends had to wait for me at NYC...frameshifting our plans etc etc...
While I sat there, I posted my previous post.
During my trip...I was thinking about this issue when I have temporary moments to sit and think. My conclusion is, MVP Bus doesn't suck that much.
At least I was able to eventually claim 2 return tickets back from Dec 2009 and convert them into this round trip in Apr 2011.
However, their administration system is messy since they have 3rd party ticket sales going on...
MVP Bus, plz do something about yourself.
I'll try Bolt Bus for my next NYC trip. ;^)