Wednesday, April 20, 2011

thAwing the sobeR cHef.

juZ az i blogGed abouT thAwing myseLf...

i thAwed thiZ vAcuum-pAcked chickeN thigH froM costcO and turNed it into a deliciouZ spicY disH~~~ it shAll be my luncH tomorroW~~~

cookinG therApy alwAyz workZ~!!!

the sobeR cHef hAz begAn hiZ missioN~!!! and he needZ to buY moRe sugAr~~~ ;^)


alSo, the PCR freezeR in the lAb wAz kindA thAwed.

whY...whY am i the one to returN to lAb kindA lAte at nighT to set uP pcrZ and theN dizcoveR the ajAr freezeR dooR? thiZ mAkez me lAugh...~

hmM, i lAb shouLd owN ~10 PCR mAchinez....seriouzlY?!

anywAyz, i leArnt thAt you hAve to twisT the temperAture diAl inside the freezeR for it to "wAke uP" afteR the dooR hAz beeN lefT ajAr for some tiMe.


argH, and whY do i keeP injurinG my righT hAnd? juZ knocKed it agAinzt the corneR of a lAb bencH...luckily NOT on my alreAdy bAdly bruiZed thumB, whicH stilL hurtZ...


"befoRe the snoW meltZ" - sodAgreen.

on a certAin nighT, you lefT me.
on a certAin dAy, you wAlked towArdz me.
aT a certAin momenT, i understood...
a certAin kind of loVe thAt belongZ to me.

wAndering @ the borderZ of my dreAm...
wheRe the worLd froZe in tiMe.
leAving me in solitude.

i see the wiNd approAching.
i heAr the cloudZ dizpersinG.
expectinG to meet uP witH youR loVe.
buT i end up hAving a frozeN snowY heArt.

the skY and eArth...
everything'Z not sloW and not fAst.
everything'Z not good and not bAd.
i'M focuZed but diztrActed...

endinG my wAsteful bliNd guesseS...
i'M unafrAid of wAking uP anymoRe...
endinG the unpeAcefulnezz...
there'Z sunlighT az lonG az there'Z dArknezz...

lettinG go of tiMe and spAce...
and thuZ attAining existeNce.

the suN replAcez the mooN...
and i wAke uP witH a smiLe...



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