Thursday, April 14, 2011

it'z tougH to be a dAd...

so, jerrY hAd to mAke a quicK triP bAck to beijinG for an intervieW...

meanwhiLe, i tooK up the dutY of fetchinG him to and fro BWI, and also fetcH mAck (his soN) to and fro preschooL.

mAck'z only he needed a booster seat? yeA, i thinK thAt'z what it'Z cAlled.

hAving a kid in the cAr....reAlly mAde me be veeeeeeeeerY cAreful whiLe drivinG. not onlY the kid...eveN judY (jerry'Z wife) preseNce increAses my attentivenezZ.


seriouzlY, i admiRe all pArentz...

pArenthood iz simplY too mucH of a rezponsibilitY.

yeA, plz tAke a momenT to thinK abouT it.

i chAtted witH judY befoRe, and she toLd me she didn'T eveN thinK abouT gettinG mArried and now she'Z a muM. hahAaa...

noW i mizZ my pArentz,


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