Thursday, April 14, 2011


allY is my soN~~~

argH...he'Z being reAlly nAughty but pArtly my fAult...

i knoW it'Z tiMe to chAnge youR engiNe oiL...and i hAven't mAde an appointmenT yeT, but you don'T hAve to smAsh my righT thumB with youR dooR, righT?!

.....sucH a tAntrumy 10-yr-oLd boY...

and you eveN contiNued to be mizchievouZ abouT youR signAl lightZ...and the poweRed windowzzZ...

thiZ iz dAy 2, buT seriouzlY i bLed for 7 hrz~!!!!

noW, my right thumB iz significantlY lArger than my left thumB...ARGH~!!! >.<

allY, noW thAt i'Ve splurGe USD$1100+ on youR medicAl billZ, you aRe bAck az my good bAby boY agAin~!!!

my wAllet screAmz OUCH too...

oh allY...


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