Sunday, July 13, 2008

deAr BABW, whY no koalA in s'poRe??!! *-)

BABW = Build-A-Bear Workshop

BABW iz a concepT stoRe, a very adorAble and cuTe shoP!! it sellZ soft toYz...but theN you chooZe your soft toY skiN and theY filL the insidez in fronT of you! witH the additioN of a heArt...birtH cerT...etc etc...

bAzed in uniTed stATez, and theN introduced inTo singApore.

the 1sT time i enteRed the shoP, i wAz witH creAmy, viewinG someoNe fillinG a beAr witH cottoN usinG thiZ biG cottoN mAchine...and i wAz mAking oucH soundZ durinG the procezZ...thinK the littLe girL biG qnZ mArk botH of uz...hahAa...theN we quicklY browZed awAy...;P

theN...recentlY, i pAzzed by it agAin..(P.S. brAnch)...and i popPed in to asK if theY hAve the koalA skiN. buT they don't....@ leAzt the guY sAid theY uzed to hAve. hello?! uZed to hAve?

so i quicklY checKed the U.S. websiTe, and i fouNd thiZ:

see!!!! they hAve the koalA there....

koalAz are cruciAl cuZ they are endAngered globAlly...childreN should be awAre of theM!! the s'poRe brAnch of BABW shouLd do somethinG quicK....@ leAst the P.S. brAnch...

i wAz @ the sunTec brAnch with dhZ quite recentlY too, but i didn't asK theM....mAybe nexT time!!



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