Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the futuRe iz neAr...

"the sAme fAce at the sAme time but at a differenT veNue,
or the sAme plAce at the sAme tiMe digeztinG a strAnger'z fAce?

seArching for hAppinezz in the yeArning dreAm..
the nowZ hAve beeN trAnzformed into old photogrAphz of the futuRe.

mY pursuiT of loVe wilL eventuAlly becoMe heArty shArdz...
we cAn only chooZe to forgO ouR hAppinezz.

the differenT seNses arouNd me...
eludeZ the necessitieZ of thiZ dizabLed worLd.

the summeR hAz growN oLd...
i'Ve gotteN uzed to the dArk nighT.

liKe a shoAl of bliNd fisheS yeArning for the seA...
loVe iz a torrenT of smoKe igniTed by grievAnce.

liKe roAming repeAtedly in a pAthlezz foresT....
a burninG heArt iz a nAtural refleX actioN of stronG desireZ....

mY pursuiT of loVe wilL eventuAlly becoMe heArty shArdz...
we cAn only chooZe to forgO ouR hAppinezz.

the differenT senseS arouNd me...
eludeZ the necessitieZ of thiZ dizabLed worLd.

mY lonelinezZ hAz growN oLd...
i alreAdy belonG to the dArk nighT...

liKe a memorY zippeR roAming the streetZ...
unzippinG the detAilz of my pAst...
of courZe...the deAd boundAriez..
circumsribeZ youR fAce...
eveN thougH i dizregArd my sillinezZ...
you'Ve fAntasized az welL...
scourinG for flowerZ withiN the flowerlezZ fruiT foresT.

forgoinG mY hopeZ for mY futuRe...
relinquishinG my wildnezZ of yezterdAy...
whAt kiNd of worLd wilL tomorroW be?
who wilL stilL be arouNd me?
lozinG the abilitY to loVe.
regArdlezz tAking or givinG...
iz my previouZ loVe stilL existinG?!

i'Ve wAnted to stArt aneW for countlezZ timeZ...
the pAst keepZ passinG...the futuRe keepZ arrivinG...
i onlY hAve noW.

@ the sAme plAce, @ the sAme tiMe, witH the sAme fAce...
the sAme me witH mY sAme heArt hAving an epiphAny..
fAust losT hiz wAy severAl timeZ in my dreAm...
perhApz he hAz fouNd the lonG-losT missinG piece...

like the bliNd seAsonz thAt keeP cyclinG...
dAwn wilL arrive no mAtter how lonG and dArk the nighT iz...
liKe a giAnt pAthlezz foresT thAt broke the skY..
i finAlly understood thAt life requireZ a necessAry incisioN...
to alloW the sun rAyz to shiNe into mY life...
buT the rAyz have not arriVed...

the futuRe iz cominG sooN."



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