Wednesday, October 14, 2009

no sleeP.

eveN thougH i don'T understAnd thiZ chineZe diAlect....i reAd the lyricZ and it iZ reAlly meAningful.

it'Z abouT sAd mizzfuL thoughtZ...thAt cAuzed insomniA.


... ...

sodAgreen dezcriptioN:
"thiZ iz a monoloGue of someoNe wAiting for loVe. he wAitz withouT regretZ - yeArning foR hiZ loVe. he hopeZ loVe cAn trAnzfigure hiM to flY witH wingZ....but the endlezZ wAiting trAnzmogrified hiM into a fisH bAnished from itZ poNd..."

"no sleeP" bY sodAgreen.

dizclAimer: the chineZe iz too profound for me to trAnzlate foR some i'M juZ gonnA improviZe. ;P

"the plAnetary goddezZ beztowZ wArm rAyz onto me...
keepinG my loVe unfrozeN...
keepinG me feelinG tirelezZ...
(yeT the fisheS are dyinG underneAth the gArden...)

you knoW hoW mucH i mizZ you...
do you hAve the sAme dreAm az me???
on the dAy of ouR reunioN...
ouR reciprocAl loVe iz thuZ proveN...

deeP in youR heArt...
am i stilL in existeNce???
i'M eternAlly wAiting...
witH occAsional unwillinG shiverZ...

i wannA flY awAy togetheR witH you...
to a beAutiful plAce tRue to ouR heArtz...
me lettinG you tAke chArge of ouR everythinG...
me hopinG you wilL understAnd me...

i don'T cAre how mucH tiMe...
hoW mucH rheuM...
or hoW mucH disAppointmentz i muZ tolerAte.
i don'T cAre if you returN wheN i'M cryinG...
actuAlly...i wondeR...
whY i simplY juZ hAve to wAit...
yeZ i juZ hAve to wAit...
you'Re mY oNe and onlY loVe.

bcuZ you'Re you,
i wilL definitelY keeP wAiting."

a beAutiful.......and sAd sonG.



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