Sunday, October 04, 2009

~myrnA of tenpAchi~

trApped myseLf @ hoMe tryinG (yeZ - tryinG) to preP for my G.B.O......and losT alL my spikeZ yoZ....

tempTed to keeP lonG hAir agAin - buT of courZe not!!

bcuZ i kindA losT my hAirdresser and my sAlon siNce the formeR retiRed and the lAtter cloZed dowN - duH...

anywAyz...i finAlly decided to exploRe the mAin brAnch of the sAlon i frequenT and i'M so glAd i did!!!!

bAck to tenpAchi~

it'Z @ a funneR locAtion (thougH not AZ sAfe) and it'Z mucH niceR afteR theY expAnded!!!

thAnkz to a bloNde senioR stylisT nAmed myrnA (pronouNced az meR-nA):

she did an amAzing job az you cAn see:

me prActising to be a vAmpire for hAlloween - juZ imAgine longeR fAngz!!!

oK bAck to me beinG normAl....or abnormAl??? LOL~

thAnkz myrnA~!!!

p.S.: shAll scouT for vAmpirey fAngz....hahAaa~

p.p.S.: in mY photoZ, me wAz weAring thiZ ultrA comfY koreAn-styLed pyjAmaz froM hAng-ni-mAh'z pArentz...yAy~!!!


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