Sunday, October 04, 2009

a greenY simpLe life~

thiZ sonG beginZ my everydAy.....qingfeng'Z soothinG vocAlz simplY lighteN mY footstepZ az i wAlk towArdz my lAb~

the 1sT liNe iz an ongoinG uncertAinty.....wonderinG if the suN setZ in heAven?

"simpLe life" bY sodAgreen...

"mAybe sunsetZ are ofteN in heAven az welL...?
mAybe alL the drumZ who denY reAlity...
secretlY vibrAte my eAr drumZ...

the kAleidoscope withiN my rAdio...
iz unabLe to withhoLd my awAkening dreAm..
i wannA wAke up...buT i'M juZ too weAk...

i thoughT abouT ezcAping...
buT the guilT froM yezterdAy stAined my sleeVez agAin...

bAlloonz filLed witH my lonelinezZ riZe towArdz the skY...
i wannA abandoN alL the phonY promiseS...

i wilL be leAding my kiNd of life...
simplY withouT the extrAvagance of relAxation...

leAding my kiNd of life...withiN youR lovelY kingdoM...

leAding my kiNd of life...simpLy bloominG the silhouetteZ of my creAtivity~

listeninG to you shoutinG - whAt a simpLe life~"

mY life iz simpLe - or noT.


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