begAn my sundAy lAte.....
and reAlized it'Z unwiZe to begiN my westerN bloT @ 4pM....
so i wAlked arouNd downtowN witH mingliAng (mY neW houzemAte who cookZ nice food for me!!!)...
mingliAng juZ arrived in the stAtez for abouT a montH...and he'Z a posTdoc in neuroscieNce~ (yeZ...i'M the juniorezT in mY houZe...buT i'M the houZe manAger yoZ!!)
wheN we reAched fellZ wAz soooO croWded!!!
i didn'T knoW it wAz the annuAl fellZ poinT fuN fezT~!!!! no wondeR KS wanted to go fellZ yezterdAy and she asKed me, buT duH?! she didn'T botheR tellinG me there'Z a festivAl?! mAybe she doezn'T i assuMed it'Z juZ drinkinG and meAninglezz pubbinG witH peopLe i'M not cloZe to....of courZe i juZ denied and stAyed in my lAb.
so glAd i tooK a breAk froM lAb todAy...and sAw theZe interestinG thingZ:
a clAssic red couPe~!!!!!!a clAssic bAby bLue couPe~!!!soMe huGe meAt roAster...LOL~the cAucasian guY neAr me wAz surpriZed too...and he sAid to me thAt thiZ amounT of meAt iz whAt he consumeZ in 5 yeArz?! welL i lAughed and toLd hiM i've neveR seeN anythinG like thAt in asiA....theN anotheR cAucasian lAdy neAr us sAid she sAw a similAr one in germAny~
americAnz are verY friendlY az theY juZ chAt witH anyoNe~
wAlked and shopPed soooO mucH...buT i controlLed and didn'T buY anY shirT...buT it wAz fuN pickinG topZ for mingliAng to buY~ ;P
oH and mingliAng treAted me dinneR @
P.F. Chang'z~