awesomelY pAzzed my g.b.O.~!!!!!!!
tequilA'z trAnzfiguration into magArita~
the aboVe imAge explAinz the previouz multipLe "spAm-like" postZ........
and of courZe my mobile'Z outboX wAz filLed witH jibberishY textS too.............buT i remembeR convincinG myseLf to finAlly switcH off mY phoNe.
drAnk wAaaaay tooooo mucH afteR i pAzzed my g.b.O.~!!!! i apologiZed to my owN bodY cuZ thiZ iz the 1st tiMe i drAnk tiL i vomiTed...and agAin wheN i woKe the nexT morninG. argH...but it'Z deliriouZ solitAry fuN~!!!!!
g.b.O. exAm = Graduate Board Oral Exam = a requiremenT of the Ph.D. be tAken afteR the 1sT yeAr of intensiVe courZework studieZ...
an orAl exAm....beginninG witH a presentAtion of your possibLe thesiS projecT...with 5 professorZ askinG you anY qnZ thAt appeAr in theiR mindZ.......luckilY mine wAz mAinly pertAining to whAt i presenTed~ yAy~!!!!
"excellenT joB! unAnimouz pAzz" --> the onlY commentZ of my orAl exAm~!!! it'Z on an officiAl exAminer'z forM...and i cropped thiZ pArt out...hahAaa~
mY lovelY and sincerestezT thAnkz to:
dR. rigginZ~!!!
dR. de mArzo~!!!!
dR. meekeR~!!!!
dR. lAuring~!!!!
dR. denmeAde~!!!!!! (committee chAir~)
and of courZe thAnkestezt thAnkz to beN (my bozZ~!!!)
LOL~!! they'lL neveR thinK they'lL receiVe thiZ internetY thAnk you bloG note...theY probAbly won'T eveR knoW thiZ pAge existS~!!! ;P
i muZ admiT i didn'T studY mucH juZ luckY~~~
did my presentAtion on mY lovelY mAcbook prO....and uzed my phoNe az my bluetootH remoTe...oh, the dramA of the dAy wAz...the snAck cAfe neArest to my exam venue wAz clozed due to a jewisH holidAy whicH of courZe i didn'T luckilY i arriVed eArly to fiNd anotheR cAfe to grAb theZe:
drAmatic snAckz~!!!!!!!
noW i cAn fullY focuZ on lAbwork...and fiNd time to finAlly begiN piAno-ing...enN~!!!!
^.^ ^o^ ^O^